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We practically ran to Reggie's room after talking to Pandora, Barty and Evan. We knocked on the door quick and hard. Reggie answered, half-dressed, hair a mess, and half awake. He ran his hands through his hair.
It hit me in that moment how much he looked like Sirius.  The messy hair that curled at the ends, the tired eyes, scrawny figure. Sure, they looked like each other all the time, they were twins, but right now, if I didn't know any better I'd say I was staring at Sirius.
Even when he spent the night at my dorm, or in the astronomy tower he always looked put together when we woke up. It always made me mad, he had no right to look that good when he woke up. But now staring at him, I realized he had even less of a right to look this good when he woke up. He raised an eyebrow and extended one arm against the door to lean on before looking between me and Moony.
"Er, can I help you lot or are you just going to stare at me?" He asked, the sleep ever so prominent in his voice. Remus looked at me.
"Right, well you've just woken up obviously and now I feel as though we're inconveniencing you by trying to tell you what your friends did." I rambled.
"My friends? Are you alright? What'd they do? I'll kill them." He was suddenly very awake, he was mad.
"Slow down, nothing like that. They just made a dig at Moony that was quite funny." I replied, he relaxed.
"Oh yeah, about Sirius? They think jokes at his expense are quite funny."
"That's why they've all fucked him I'm sure." Moony muttered. I laughed. Regulus raised his eyebrow before he nodded at Remus.
"What was that Moony?" He asked, it was the first time he'd used his nickname. He noticed the same time we did. "Sorry, I-I don't even know why that came out of my mouth."
"It's fine, you can call me Moony. Everyone calls me Moony. I just said all your friends have fucked your brother." I swatted Remus for his harshness in the statement, he smiled. Reg did too.
"It's true." They defended together, I rolled my eyes.
"That is your boyfriend," I pointed to Moony before turning to Reg "and your brother. Why do you know so much about his sex life?"
"He's my boyfriend."
"He fucked the most gossipy Slytherins to prove a point."
"Disgusting. Can we stop talking about Siri's sex life?" I groaned. They laughed. Reg stepped to the side to let us in, Moony looked at me.
"I'm actually gonna head back to contribute to Sirius' sex life." He said and walked off, I shuddered.  Reg laughed while he pulled me into his room. He wrapped an arm around my waist from behind me and kissed my cheek. He swayed back and forth for a second before the door opened.
"I thought you lot were- oh hey Pandora?" He stood confused. She stared back at him, he took one arm from around me to turn to face her.
"We need to talk." She ordered, he nodded.
"Can it wait?"
"Now Regulus."
"No Pandora." She glared at him before turning on her heels and walking out. I looked at him.
"Go talk to her."
"It can wait."
"It doesn't seem like it can."
"Trust me, Nova, it can." He grumbled before crawling back into bed, he left the blanket open for me to do the same. I did, he wrapped his arms around me while I became the little spoon.
"If she couldn't have waited she wouldn't have left. I love her like she's my own sister, but she's the most hard-headed person I know."
"That's quite the statement coming from you."
"She's only second to you my love," He kissed my neck "So, you're still coming to the party tonight, yes?"
"Yeah, Pandora invited Moony so he's coming too."
"Thank Merlin we don't have to babysit Sirius!"
"No, we have to babysit Remus and Sirius." He pouted.
"I thought he was the responsible one of you lot." I laughed.
"All's fair until there's a party my dear." I quoted Remus from first year. Reg shook his head with a smile.
"Nap with me until you have to go get ready?" He asked, I nodded in response and curled up closer to him.
We woke up a few hours later to banging on the door. I swatted at Reggie's chest to get him up the answer. He groaned but eventually did.
"What?" He hollered walking to the door and unlocking it. Sirius and Remus stood there smiling.
"We need our girl." Sirius said.
"I'm sleeping." I hollered from the bed.
"It's 7:30 Vix." Remus pointed out, I groaned and got up. Reg grabbed my waist.
"No, no, no. No, you guys don't have to go get ready with them you should just stay here with me." He pleaded, I laughed.

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