End of the Blight

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I took it there again lol, another spontaneous mood due to being a female and having my monthly ehem ... yeah, how annoying, but right now anyways I'm having fun with it, watch my reaction when this mood ends haha. I'll be like wtf!

I suppose since he transforms, that it's not as bad as if he didn't. But I dunno it irks me regardless you know. Even if he transformed into Zamasu and they did it, I'd be weirded out knowing that it's still essentially Shenron he did it with ...

Let's hope a future mood doesn't take me there, cause ... "insert side eye monkey meme" "throws table"


You want to go back don't you?

Yes dad I do, Zamasu looks really sad and I miss him. Your the one who wanted to leave not me.

Right ... like you didn't throw a tantrum as well?

Yeah I know, but that was a mistake ...

Well I mean go if you like, but you'll be living in that shit until Shenron grows a pair!

My son ...


There is no need to be rude to Shenron, Gravalatus. I'm the one who said he should try to fix this with his regular powers, instead of simply cheating and using his Aether.

But why? wouldn't it be better to just end this quickly?

My son, you have lived so long and yet you still don't realise ... you can't fix everything with powers.

In fact you shouldn't because that's how corruption spreads.

Father than floated towards Grav.

Wide eyed he replied "you have a body?"

Yes, I need to watch Shenron and fix any issues he may yet have with the Aether.

But he looks okay to me?

He isn't though. Earlier he destroyed everything and everyone with just 1 blast. Here I have a video of it.

Oh my god Father, that was crazy!

Yes and it's because of these losses of control that I cannot leave yet to my forever peaceful resting place.

Whilst he can bring it all back, it's not about that, it's about loosing ones self to the murdering of it all. Even Zamasu isn't doing too well with his memories being returned yet again. He acts calm and collected, but inside he is screaming.

I have another thing to tell you my son. A being of infinite dark is on its way here, an old enemy of mine, he'll be harder and more dangerous than all before him. But you must defeat him as a team, if you do not work together you will all die including Shenron.

H-h-how far away is he?

A couple years give or take. Make amends Grav and Aureen you too, make amends and become friends again, beyond friends, become a family and fight this evil and wipe him from existence.

Let me guess we can't use our powers?

No you can, it's just they have no effect on him, you have to work as a team and use your wits to beat him.

If you fight alone you will die alone.

I need you to get the others onboard too, Farrend and his world, the Queen Marzia and everyone else you can think of. You'll need their aid or at least their knowledge of him.

If he wins all existence will be wiped away. No one left to bring it back. So my son don't let him win.

You'd survive though wouldn't you?

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