Years Past and the Return of Old Enemies

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Took all day to write it again due to Mum taking me out for nearly the entire day. Read over it and it's not bad, but not much happens here and it's noticeable as it lacks feels aside from the Shenron and Zamasu scenes which had me depressed and tears in my eyes writing them.


Shenron for all intents and purposes being an Aether being was not doing so well, you could have some contrived belief that he was, but you'd be so very wrong.

His emotions raged on within him both good and evil ones. He went through the 50 shades of moods daily and whilst he tried to stay true to himself he knew that it wasn't going to be that easy.

As the mark faded from his being he felt every decision as blindingly before him as the sun itself. He had become tainted and he knew it and he had no idea how to stop it taking over his mind.

He wanted to care about what he had done, who he had killed, in what ways he went about it, but altogether at once his emotions failed him, he found it hard to care and when he did care he cared too much. He was a mixed bag inside and he hated that he was on either end of the major spectrum but unable to commit to the middle of it. Each fleeting moment of the middle peace lasting mere seconds as he rocked back and forth between the two.

His emotional rollercoaster denying him the relief he needed. When he sought to weep he smirked evilly instead and when he smirked his soul cried out for even a second of peace to weep.

He couldn't cry, no matter how hard he tried, he simply could not cry. No matter what he felt he wasn't noticeable as anything but emotionally dead to those seeing him from the outside.

He saw how Zamasu looked at him, how Father did, but it made no difference as he simply by fact of life was unable to show any distinctions to how he really felt outside of his own body.

That is when he chose to disappear, to try to find a meaning to it all, to perhaps unlock his ability to feel anything at all and to be able to show it to others.

When he all but up and left with not a whisper nor a word, all at once the emotion hit Zamasu and he yelled "NO! come back!" but he was long gone from this world, even Father himself had no idea where he had gone.

Zamasu's happy days would be numbered from here on out as he tried to live with the fact that Shenron was gone and he likely wasn't coming back. Father had left to search for him and so Zamasu was once again on his own and dreading it.

Father had brought it all back, so at least he had everyone back except Grav and Aureen who were still dead. Father refusing to return them for the time being.

He sat there in their shared Utopia, drinking tea and wallowing away in despair for days on end. He should not have forgotten that he was after all still a vampire and the chaos that ensued after a weeks long withdrawal of blood, left a nasty mess on one of the nearby planets as he tore into it's residents from both hunger and despair over the sudden loss of his lover.

He had returned home later that day covered in dried blood and realised this was never going to change. This is who they were now. Father unrelenting and un-allowing of him to be returned to pre vampire. His words were as always, learn to live with it and grow stronger because of it. Words sounding so utterly hollow in the face of pure and undeniable despair now.

But seldom of any choice he continued his life and continued to stew in his emotions, but as the years went on he found some semblance of his old life with Shenron and he pursued it until he couldn't pursue it any more.

After 15 years he was finally happy again, that's not to say he wasn't still in despair that even after such a length of time Shenron could not be found. He never found another, wholly uninterested in anyone else that wasn't his dragon. He would wait for his dragon to return to him, after all he was immortal so all he had was time.

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