The Reality of this New Darkness

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I took it there again huh? moods still firing on all cylinders and now I've got a vampire mood going and omg I finally get to write out my older head stories! I think realistically there is only 1 Zamasu related vampire story, I plan to make it 2 haha, not sure for how long, but Father did say this was his plan and so hopefully for a few long chapters. I want to really enjoy this after all.


You shouldn't have come Shenron, it's best no one is around me, as it's clear I cannot control myself. These memories they are killing me ...

I've been very non tentative Zamasu, I am a Creator after all, King of them even and yet I am helping no one, perhaps not even myself really ...

I have the power to help you and yet I've been so busy that I've forgotten I can. Father he constantly rides my ass about using my powers and that hasn't helped me remember to help my cosmos and it's people either. I feel like I've let everyone down, even myself.

I go on and on about how mighty and Godly I am now, yet I do nothing and have nothing to show for it.

I defeated Garland and the way I did it, Father was very unhappy with me, he said I didn't even try to figure out another way I simply took my claws, made a claw blade and sliced him 4 ways to Sunday. He said I took the easy way out and he was right honestly I did. I just wanted this to end. I haven't even bothered to fix the Earth yet, all it would take is a click of my fingers at this power and yet I fail to even do that.

Than I even destroyed everything including you and the others ... with 1 blast, that was all it took, Father was there to reverse it all, but what does that show me or anyone else? I thought this Creator stuff would be good, but than I realised that it's just the same as it always was, I'm the same, I haven't changed at all, I'm still as useless as I've ever been. It's no wonder I get blamed for everything, I deserve it.

Zamasu came up to Shenron who had his face in his hands and took his hands away from his face.

Were not robots Shenron, we have feelings, we cannot possibly stand up to everyone's expectations of us, also seriously you killed me?!?

I had no control over the Aether Zamasu I killed everyone, here look at the video of what the world looked like after.

Wow there's nothing left, but hey you looked really damn cool though.

Yeah I suppose ...


Haha but it made you smile! so that was a plus.

How do I fix this Zamasu? can we really just go back to the way things were or do we simply move forward as we are?

I think moving forward as we are is the best choice here Shenron. However as I said I need help with these memories can you help me?

Yeah, I mean yes of course I can, come sit down next to the waters edge and I'll bind with your memories and see what I can remove and what I'd rather stay, this could take awhile, so make sure your comfortable.

As Zamasu sat he had his eyes open but Shenron had his closed. He took the time to really appreciate the dragon before him, this new colouring really suited him, but to make it less eye catching he made himself a more natural gold colour vs the actual metallic gold he was before. His belly had previously been green but it was now a creamy white. He didn't much look like a regular eternal dragon, he didn't have the whiskers like they did, he had horns not wooden antler like ones and his eyes were now a stark blue due to the Aether. He looked beautiful and Zamasu realised why he loved him, but he also knew that more than likely his memories were the cause of his lust. They had been causing him so much pain that he was looking to other avenues to experience anything but pain.

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