Chapter 10

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Saturday morning couldn't have come any quicker

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Saturday morning couldn't have come any quicker. My mood had deflated quickly after my first therapy session. It wasn't the therapy session itself, but rather the emotions that had come with reflecting on my complicated past. I needed a pick me up and I believed the girl in the shorts would be able to do just that.

Since she had a busy day ahead of her, we agreed to meet up at Sip Up Café in central Kitalo City at 09:00. Thanks to the rainy weather we often got at this time of the year, it was a gloomy morning. Perfect for conversation over a warm cup of coffee or two. I sat in the parking lot in front of the café, waiting for the message that would let me know she'd arrived.

Hey. I'm in the parking lot. ~ Nella Lola

Me too. Right by the entrance. ~ Hasani

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel in anticipation as she typed another message.

Do you have an umbrella with you? Mine is missing in one of my bags and I didn't want to be late looking for it🙈 ~ Nella Lola

I smiled at that. I liked that in a few days she had warmed up to me enough to be this comfortable. I turned and scanned the parking lot to see where she was.

I have an umbrella, but I don't really feel like walking all the way to you, so make a plan🤷🏿‍♂️ ~ Hasani

Boy. I don't mind driving back home and getting into my bed👀 ~ Nella Lola

Did she just call me a boy?

No!!!! Don't go! I see your car, I'm coming to get you😩 ~ Hasani

Of course you are😇 ~ Nella Lola

I laughed at the emoji, but wasted no time grabbing my umbrella from the backseat and making my way to her car.

She was touching up her lip gloss when I got to the car. As soon as she saw me, she smudged her lips together and put the tube away. I waited as she gathered herself and then opened the door. She had on a casual outfit but still managed to make something about it stand out. Her white Nike Air Force 1s had a baby blue psychedelic pattern hand drawn onto them. It was cool. She had on a cropped grey hoodie with a cropped jean jacket and a pair of high waisted blue jeans. Her hair was bone straight like it had been the first time I saw her at the store. Everything about her face today actually reminded me of that day. I wouldn't have guessed then that I'd be taking her out for breakfast a few weeks later.

Today we weren't complementing each other since I'd opted for an all black outfit to match the gloominess of the weather.

"You look good this morning." I said in lieu of a greeting when she stepped out of her car and into the protective covering of the umbrella.

"What do you mean 'this morning'?" she asked in a sassy tone. I wouldn't have expected that to come out of her mouth.

"Eh. You woke up in a spicy mood today, huh?" I said, laughing.

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