Chapter 28

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I was overwhelmed

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I was overwhelmed. My body was tired from continuous exertion in practice, in the gym, and in the games themselves. My emotions were all over the place after a whole month of having no access to Nella. Some days, I missed her so much that I had to convince myself not to show up at her place. Other times, I found myself resentful, not understanding why she'd left me. Larry kept telling me to be patient with the process of moving on, but I wasn't moving. I was stuck back in that night when I tried to reason with her and she coldly insisted on us ending things.

Larry had suggested it was best if I distracted myself by doing things I enjoyed. Easy for him to say, he had no idea that that was an even tougher task because Nella herself had become a part of almost everything I enjoyed. The things I loved to do now felt undesirable without having Nella to do them with, or do them to.

I couldn't even travel to Musomi to clear my mind. I was too busy in Kitalo City to take such time off. Just when I was about to hit Chi up to find out what he was up to, a notification popped up on my phone screen. New video from Nella Lola. This was the first video she'd uploaded in the month since we broke up and curiosity hit me in waves. This vlog would probably give me an idea of how she'd been doing without me in the picture. I was nervous, though. What if she was happy? What if her video proved to me that I wasn't as important to her as I'd once thought I was? I tapped the notification and was hit with a wave of nostalgia as soon as her intro started to play on the screen.

I'd once been in the behind the scenes of her videos. While others watched from the outside, never fully knowing what went into the video, I'd witnessed it with my own two eyes. I'd watched Nella passionately work at perfectly executing her vision, sometimes for long hours. She was always on the go, editing taking up most of her nights, since she was too active during the day to factor it in. She never complained about exhaustion or frustration. She loved her job, and I loved being able to see her do her thing. Now as I watched, I felt the weight of her discarding me. I'd become just another person who got to watch, but not fully experience Nella.

Her eyes didn't carry their usual spark as she filmed this first clip from the vanity in her bedroom. "Hey guys, it's Nella Lola, back on your screen. Not my lace lifting. Hold on." she stopped, grabbing a yellow can from her table and spraying it onto her edges and then pressing down. She had on a short wig which stopped just where her neck met her shoulders. The look was different, but I liked it. She wore every new hairstyle well.

"Okay, better. I know I've been gone for a while. I just needed to sort through some things... to be honest, guys, life is lifing." she stopped and chuckled dryly. "Honestly, I haven't been in the mood to vlog, but I have clips from when I went on a brand trip to Cape Town, so that's what majority of this vlog will be about. I'll be hopping in occasionally to tell you guys what was happening because I didn't actually talk much in those videos. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video. If you guys want to see me in a good mood again, please like, comment and subscribe. Let's get into the video."

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