3. Homecoming III

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Parvati is scared and wants to leave the party so she makes her way to the exit but Shruti won't let her go so she blocks Parvati's way.

"Ma, Maybe you should close this chapter for good now. Talk to him now, and say everything you have to say to him, or this thing will get worse as time passes, it will become harder to say it. Running away isn't helping anyone," said Shruti.

Parvati just walked past her. And now Ashutosh is blocking her path. "Or maybe don't talk to him, Mom," said Ashutosh. "You don't have to worry, Dad is...Dad is not angry with you. He has moved on in his life."

Moved on in his life, these words confused Parvati.

"You don't have to talk to Dad if you don't want to but don't just leave this Party, if he finds out that you left he will be sad," said Ashutosh.

Ashutosh is trying to manipulate Parvati's feelings to make her stay at the party.

"Please... Mom," said Ashutosh.

"Okay," said Parvati.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, Can we have your attention please," said Nikhil on a mic. " I want to thank everyone present today. As you all know this is a Homecoming party for My Dad, Mr. Suyash Mehra." Nikhil pointed toward Suyash. "...who went away 3 years ago to stay in Canada, everything was going fine but unfortunately Dad met with an accident 11 months ago and was critical but thanks to God he survived and now he is back in his home. Please give a round of applause for Mr. Suyash Mehra."

Suyash walks up to his son Nikhil and hugs him. Nikhil passes the mic to him.

"Thank you, Thanks everyone for being here. first of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who showed genuine concern for my well-being when I was in a coma, it was a very hard time for my family and your kindness is highly appreciated. And second, I am very grateful to my children Nikhil and Ashutosh who never gave up on me." Suyash calls Ashutosh to the stage. Ashutosh walks to the stage and hugs Suyash. Everyone in the audience started clapping.

"I am proud to be their father, These two are my pride and joy. Now please everyone enjoy the party," said Suyash and everyone went back to doing what they were doing.

"Maybe I should talk to him," said Parvati.

" Really!" said Shruti.

Parvati looks at Suyash who is talking to some guests. "He looks fine, actually...he looks happy. Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe I can apologize to him," Parvati takes a glass of water and emptied it. "Let's do it," she said to herself.

"You can do it, Mom," Shruti cheered her Mom.

Parvati looks back at where Suyash was standing but now he is not there.

Parvati walks over to the guest with whom Suyash was just talking right now. "Have you seen Mr. Mehra?" Parvati asked the guest.

"I think he went upstairs," said one of the guests. "He suddenly started getting headaches so he said he wanted some silence."

Parvati gets worried for Suyash. Parvati goes back to where Shruti is and asks her about Ashutosh.

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