ch 15: the party

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As Parvati left Suyash's office disappointed for not being able to meet him, she unexpectedly encountered Gayatri along the way.

"Did you find Mr.Mehra?" Gayatri asked.

Parvati shook her head.

Parvati had always longed to have heart-to-heart conversations with Gayatri, but after Shruti and Sameer's wedding, Gayatri distanced herself from the Agarwal household, cutting off all contact and refusing to meet even Parvati. Despite numerous attempts by Parvati to reconnect, Gayatri remained aloof.

"Are you alright?" Parvati gently grasped Gayatri's hand, her touch radiating warmth. Gayatri nodded silently.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Ma," Gayatri replied softly, touched by Parvati's care and concern.

"I know I'm late in saying this, but if you ever need any kind of help, always remember me," Parvati reassured her.

"You're not angry that I suddenly ghosted you?" Gayatri questioned, her voice tinged with remorse.

"I understand your reasons," Parvati replied warmly, her tone compassionate. "You should consider coming to the Agarwal house someday; everybody misses you."

"I don't know. I'm always busy with work," Gayatri responded, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

As Gayatri mentioned her work, Parvati's curiosity piqued. "When did you start working at Mehra Group?"

"It's been less than a 3month, actually," Gayatri disclosed. "I stumbled upon a job opening for an assistant and decided to give it a shot. Luckily, I got selected after the interview."

As Parvati folded her arms tightly around herself, a hint of awkwardness crept into her. Little hesitant, Parvati wanted to inquire about Suyash, "How is it working under Mr. Mehra going for you?" she asked.

"It's manageable," Gayatri began, "I mainly have to keep reminding him about his schedule, and to be honest, he is kind of absent-minded."

"Oh," Parvati acknowledged quietly.

As Parvati gazed at her daughter for a moment, Gayatri, sensing the tension, asked, "Ma, What are you looking at?"

"Are you happy?" Parvati's concern flowed forth. "I am sorry for what Shruti did. I wished I could have stopped her."

"It was for the better, Ma. If Sameer had married me that day, ultimately my marriage would have been ruined because Sameer always loved Shruti," Gayatri confided. "It took some time, but I am fine now."

Parvati felt a surge of pride for Gayatri and how she had matured through it all.

"I should go back to work," Gayatri said, breaking the moment.

Parvati nodded and Gayatri walked away.


Shruti's and Sameer's house, 6 PM

"Sameer!" Shruti called out from the bed to Sameer, who was engrossed in his laptop at his desk.

" I'm busy," Sameer replied, his tone tinged with annoyance.

"From the day I asked you to stop talking to Gayatri, I've sensed that you're upset with me," Shruti expressed, her voice tinged with concern.

"If you don't have something better to talk about, can you leave me alone? I am working," Sameer retorted, his frustration evident.

Shruti rose from the bed, walked up to his desk, and shut the laptop, "Why are you so angry at your wife, for Gayatri, who is just a friend?" Shruti asked.

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