ch 18: three years ago

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Three years ago: the day Suyash and Parvati ended their marriage legally

Suyash: 47 year old
Ashutosh: 19 year old
Nikhil: 21 year old


In the somber atmosphere of the courtroom, Suyash and Parvati sat side by side, their lawyers standing beside them, awaiting the final verdict. The judge, with a grave expression, meticulously read the documents before finally affixing his signature.

"Your contract has ended; you are officially divorced," the judge pronounced, his voice resonating through the room.

Exiting the judge chamber, Parvati exchanged a few parting words with her lawyer before the lawyer departed. Turning to Suyash, who was also bidding farewell to his legal counsel, she broached the delicate subject, "Mr. Mehra, now that our marriage has concluded, perhaps it's best if we just continue as business partners."

Suyash understood the underlying message behind Parvati's words - she was indirectly asking him to stay away from her.

"Actually, Tommorow i will be leaving for Canada with my whole my family." Suyash informed.

Parvati's expression registered surprise. "Such a sudden decision?"

"I believe it's better for my family to seek a new environment away from this city," Suyash explained.

"Ohh....," Parvati responded, her tone laden with understanding.

In the ensuing silence, their gazes met, holding a multitude of unspoken words. It seemed as though Suyash was on the verge of expressing something.

"Parvati ji," Suyash began, but a sudden ring from Parvati's phone cut through the moment.

"Excuse me," Parvati interjected, addressing Suyash before answering the call. "Hello?... Yes..."

As Parvati became engrossed in conversation, Suyash observed her, capturing the scene, perhaps realizing that this could be their final encounter.

I will never regret loving you.

He confessed silently.

Without a word, Suyash turned and began to walk away.

As Parvati spoke on the phone, she glanced towards Suyash and realized he was already walking away. Slowly, her hand lowered the phone from her ear, her attention drawn to Suyash's retreating figure, his back becoming increasingly distant.

"Bhabhi, are you still there?" Shilpa's voice on the other end of the line persisted, but Parvati's focus remained fixed on Suyash's departure.

Though she wanted to call out his name, Parvati found herself unable to summon the words because she had nothing to say.

Reaching his car, Suyash's slid into the driver's seat, and then drove away.


Mehra House :

"Why are both of you so adamant about not going to Canada?" Mrs. Wadhwa inquired, addressing Nikhil and Ashutosh as they conversed during lunch at the diner.

"I don't understand why are we leaving?" Ashu questioned. "Everything seems fine now. Dad's out of jail, and things have been cleared up."

"What has Suyash ever done to you kids, for you to be so ungrateful to him?" Mrs. Wadhwa implored. "Show some respect for your father."

"Nani, we've already apologized for that," Nikhil replied, his gaze fixed on his phone as he ate.

"We're all leaving tomorrow," Mrs. Wadhwa declared.

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