chap. iii

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she looks just like a dream.
the prettiest girl

chapter iii:
my lady,
a woman of leisure.

i've ever seen,
from the cover of a magazine.

"ah, i was about to come and get you, you look.. gorgeous my love" mammon whistles, staring at you in your nightgown. it wasn't strange for you to be in your nightgown, you wanted to be comfortable and he enjoys the view so win-win situation for both.

you rub your neck and chuckle "thank you, mammon". he noticed you have a cute little accessory with you, a choker. "what's the special occasion ?" he smirks, holding the beautiful gem on the choker.

"special.. ? oh doesn't mean i have this on doesn't mean anything" you said, gently grabbing mammon's hand as you smile at him. he chuckles softly as he gently grabs your chin, raising your head up "well, anything you wear is always special, exclusively special in my eyes".

you smile gently at the flirt and pull on his cheek "aren't you a smooth talker ?". he smiles sheepishly and scratches his head shyly "well, that's just who i am.. buuuttt, c'mon ! time for lunch !".

you yelped quietly when he picked you up, wrapping his arms around you. "oh my" you chuckle and wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto him as he walks towards the dining room with a gleeful attitude.

you're a bit lucky that he 'offered' to carry you since your legs is quite sore, not too sore, but sore nonetheless. "say, is lucifer not with you ?" mammon asked, confused that his older brother isn't present when he should be, as his proclaimed position of head butler.

"no, he's scheduling.. ah, let me tell you all at the dining table" you said as the two of you quickly arrived at the dining table, all are present except for lucifer. you sit in the middle of the table as mammon sits to your left and smile gently at them as they return the gesture.


                    |               |             beel
levi |               | belp
satan          |               |             asmo
mammon       |               |            lucifer

"my dear ~ don't you look absolutely dazzling !" asmo compliments, cooing at you with a look of desire. "thank you, you look quite dazzling as well asmo" you chuckle, smiling at his positive energy.

"oh well of course, i must always look dazzling" asmo flips his hair as belphie, who's sitting to his next to him, cringes as glitter hits his hair. "ugh.. too many bright.. colors" belphie murmured, squinting his eyes at the pink and white combo.

"tsk, you're acting like purple can't be a bright color, anything can be a bright color. in fact, black and white aren't even colors !" asmo argues, glaring at belphie's purple and black outfit. belphie stares at his brother with a surprise expression "since when did you know technicality ?".

asmo glares at belphie, who stares at him with a cocky smile.

"alright before you guys continue with the color argument, i'd like to say i'll be leaving overmorrow for a meeting and belphie, i would love for you to go with me" you said, earning gasps and stares from everyone in the room.

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