seventeen:﹙back at it again...﹚

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back at it again...

CHAPTER       SEVENTEEN!back at it again

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"contains; nothing"
— do not proceed with caution

"contains; nothing"— do not proceed with caution

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Embracing Matt with an unyielding grasp, she fought against the desire to release him, recognizing that he stood as her sole anchor amidst the chaos. As tensions between her and Leah surged once again, he remained her steadfast refuge.

"Y/n?" His voice softly whispered, his hand encircling her waist. She responded with a weary hum, her weariness evident, still in need of medical attention for her bleeding leg.

Assisting him to sit up, she noticed Matt's pause, his head tilting inquisitively. "You're still bleeding," he murmured, his gaze directed toward her injured leg.

"I'm fine," she lied, attempting to control the racing of her heartbeat.

"Where is he?" Matt inquired, his eyes scanning the church, searching for any trace of Dex. Y/n's reply was filled with uncertainty, acknowledging Dex's severe injuries but unaware of his current whereabouts.

Matt lifted his head, his gaze falling upon the lifeless form of Father Lantom. Tears welled up in his eyes as his head shook, whispers of grief and anguish escaping his lips.

Clutching onto Matt's head, Y/n provided solace as he silently wept against her shoulder. She embraced him, bringing him under her wing once again, offering comfort in his time of need. 

"Jesus... Father," she whispered softly, her touch gentle as she rubbed his shoulder.

"M...Matt," she continued her voice a soothing murmur, attempting to capture his attention amid his sorrow.

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