The Challenger

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Michel plans to integrate Senn, but it doesn't go as planned...


Senn lifted his head at the sound of his cell door being opened. Michel looked down at his prisoner in disgust.

"You were always my favorite of the council," Michel sighed, looking at Senn with a frown. Senn just scoffed and looked away, "Look shitbage, it takes a lot to keep me down, alright. I'm still mad about you THROWING me off a fucking cliff, "Senn shouts, tugging at his chains.

Michel just scoffed, "Tell me where are your little band of rebels and I may spare you lives," Michel said, "Sorry, I don't talk to people who think they're better and live in hell holes like this and only sit on their thrones and not doing shit," Senn said, "at least everyone safe on the island," Senn mutters, "tell me more about this island?" Michel asked.

"What island?" Senn asked, "The Island of the goddess Irene," Michel said, "Goddess of what?" Senn counties, "The Island, you were just-" Michel shouts before seeing Senn smirk, "Why you little-" Michel started, "I'm sorry, it's hard to resist. I mean, you've had me tired up for what hours, and you can't even ask a simple question without getting mad?" Senn began to laugh.

Michel's blood boiled at the comment. But then he just smirked, "You seem to be such a skilled fighter, but why do you work with these 'low levels' and 'wannabe nobodies'? It's embarrassing," Michel explained. Senn then was hesitant to speak. It caught him off guard, "What?" He questioned.

"You're the son of the Great Thalleous Sendaris, the Ardoni Champion—a legend. Yet, you chose not to want to follow in his footsteps? Why is that?" Michel asked, "He made mistakes he's not proud of. He never wanted to hurt people. He was manipulated just like everyone else," Senn explained, "Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be like him, but now, I don't know, I guess ai just want to be me," Senn said.

Michel then yanked Senn up and slammed him into the wall, "You seem to know what you want. But then again, you seem to be quite a useless piece of shit. So, what to do," Michel said, tilting his blade, and Senn's eyes widen.

Michel said laughed and then noticed Senn's side that was bandaged up. He wanted to Senn to suffer but in a more Mandan style.

He dropped Senn and then slit his cheek. Blood ran down his cheek. He smirked and grabbed Senn by the jaw, "Let that be a lesson. You dare challenge me again, and I will kill you myself," Michel hissed, then left.

Senn inhaled sharply, and a tear ran down his face. Then he knew what was to come. He was going to find a way to survive, at least till Ria got there. He had time. Time is an infant thing. He knew who he wanted to be.

He was Senn Voltaris
Son of a Legend
The Clanless
The outcast
The fighter
And now...He's the Challenger

Wow, Book Three is out!!!
This storyline has been an honor to write.

Big Shout out to co-writers Graceful_Pinkie and Tea_girlie for all the support. You both have helped a lot.

Have a lovely time, and leave questions and comments below.

Also, here is a new vote. What should come next?

A New plot (like Shad's plan)

New introduction (The Wander)

Or what new characters do you want to see/ re-see? Shad, The Wander, Ash Mendoris (brand new), or Ocelis (Ria's mom)

Let me know in the comments. Enjoy!!!

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