Torture Methods

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As Senn struggled and tugged at his chains he watched as Rene sharpened a dagger, "So, what do plan to do huh? Threaten me with some itty bitty blade?" Senn questions with a snarky voice. Rene looked over and glared. He walked over to a small fire and watched the blade grow hotter.

"I plan to give you some special treatment and maybe a lesson or two," Rene chuckled, and twirled his blade, "Wouldn't a demonic bullet work? Or could you afford that?" Senn questions, noticing the small pistol on Rene's waist, "Not, everywhere is fancy a** city, and not everyone has fancy a** house and their territories," Rene hissed hovering over Senn, "If it weren't for you d*nm Ardoni, Michael would have kept the throne. But, no you had to rebel and convince his Enderknights to betray me," Rene hissed as he stood over Senn, who was still tied up.

"And how is that my fault?" Sen questioned, only for Rene to strike at his shoulder, soon, he picked up Senn by his throat. He smirked at Senn's attempts at struggle. He groaned slightly, but bit his tongue, as not to give Rene that pleasure of tourtue. Soon, Rene threw Senn into a wall, and Rene then slammed him to the ground. Senn felt his shoulder snap like a twig, and it felt like a firey pain scorching threw him.

"You don't get to talk over me. I don't have to listen to your bullsh*t; all you pesky Ardoni do is talk over everyone else.  But then again who isn't surprised?" Rene pinned Senn with his foot and he gave a glare of fury, but Rene wasn't convinced, "Don't even bother, you aren't even as scary as a duckling," Rene chuckled.

"How about you shut up geez, you sound like a broken record," Senn smirked, "Huh being a smarta**," Rene said, and grabbed Senn by his horn, "How about I slit your throat and let you choke on your white blood? You'll be worth nothing more than the tombstone you'll be buried under," Rene smirked, "That's all you got?" Senn smirked, and Rene growled and slammed Senn's head into the ground.

"Funny, I liked you. Fisty, and tough. Too bad your friends won't be able to see you again. Any last words kid?" Rene asked raising the blade to his throat, "Ria...will..," Senn was gasping for air, "Ha ain't none coming for you," Rene then raised the blade ready to end his life, then Rene's messenger came, "Um sir, the general asked for you," He said, "hello," Rene asked, "Change of plans Rene we need the kid alive," Raphel said over the line, "I'm kind of in the middle of killing him right now!" Rene argued, "Well stop it. We need him." Raphel said, "I'll pay you more to bring him to us, " Raphel said, and Rene groaned, "Yes sir," Rene groaned, and ended the conversation.

Rene inhaled and faced Senn, and smirked, "You know he said to bring you alive, but he didn't what condition, "Rene smirked, and the silhouette of the two is shown on the wall, and with one swift movement the blade came into contact with Senn's eye, and his screams were heard echoing through the cave. Rene smiled and looked at his bloody blade and left quite happy with what he had done.

Senn lay there on the ground with blood and tears running down his face as he inhaled and closed his eyes. He felt the pain of a thousand suns. His mind was dizzy and he closed his eyes and faded into his thoughts...

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