Out With The Old And In With The New

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Will Senn take his chance to start anew?
And will this choice be his downfall or his rising?

Also, a side note: I left a few easter eggs from other shows.
Happy Finding!!

Senn was lying on the floor, unable to move. He was cold and covered in blood. Rene was a dangerous assassin who worked for Michael. Michael had ordered Rene to torture Senn, and unfortunately, he succeeded. Senn was now injured and had a scarred eye. In desperate help, he searched his inventory and found a Dreamvisitor. Placing it on his forehead, he focused on people who might be asleep, hoping to get their attention and get some help.

Senn attempted to contact Ria first but received no response. He then tried reaching out to Hubris and Val but again received no reply. Finally, he tried Galleous or Thalleous. Although Galleous was still awake, Thalleous was sound asleep and appeared to deal with nightmares about recent events. Senn felt remorseful that Thalleous was suffering and realized and was constantly thinking about Senn.

"How could I have been so stupid! Why did I think of working for Michel? That bastard hurt my kid! I'm a terrible father... one who put his own family in danger! Senn, I'm so sorry!" Thalleous pleaded in his nightmares. Tears rolled down his cheek.

Senn felt like his gut was punched. Thalleous wanted so badly to have this family. But now he feels like he's failing as a father. He was a great father, and Senn wished he could tell him, but Thalleous probably wouldn't hear him.

Senn tried the last person who might help. He walked towards a willow tree. It swayed in the breeze. He knew that she came here when stressed. He walked around and found Aphmau reading. She looked up and noticed him.

"Senn? How? Oh dear, what happened?" Aphmau asked in a panic. Senn smiled and hugged her, "I need help. Michael has me. And he has already hurt me. Please Aphmau! Help me?" Senn begged.

"Whoa slow down..." Aphmau placed a gentle hand on Senn's shoulder. She led Senn under the willow tree and both sat down.

"Now, tell me what happened slowly," Aphnau asked, and Senn took a breath and started explaining.

"And then Michael had Rene tourte me. I didn't give up... But sometimes I want to" Senn wipes his face.

"It's okay. You didn't give up. That's what matters. Now, I'm sure everyone is doing what they can to rescue you. However, I know it can be tough. So, I plan to talk with everyone and bring you home" Aphmau smiled softly.

"Thanks... Hey, can I ask you something" Senn asked, and Aphmau nodded.

"How can you forgive someone you love after finding out they did something almost unforgiving that changes how you view them?" Senn asked.

"Depends on who" Aphmah points out, "Thalleous. You know, my f-father" Senn sighed. Aphmau's facial expression changed and she smiled softly.

Aphmau sighed and sat next to him, "Eh, it can be hard to admit to things you're not proud of especially if those things hurt the ones we love. Thalleous f*cked up sure, he's flawed, but hey, who isn't flawed? If there is anything I've learned is that words are cheap, but actions... they speak the truth" Aphmah explained.

Senn smiled, "Now tell me, what have Thalleous' actions told you about him?" Aphmau asked, and Senn thought about it.

"That he cares about me. He loves our family. And he's willing to make mistakes and help others" Senn explained.

Aphmah smirked, "Then that proves he is a pretty d*mn good dad and h*ll of a good Ardoni. Just know he loves you and your family very much" Aphmau smiled.

Senn smiled and hugged Aphmau tightly. He was glad she was here with him even if it was a dream.

"Can I ask you a question?" Senn asked, and Aphmau nodded, "Is it true you and Thalleous knew each other?" Senn questions.

"Oh yes, we did. He was one of the boldest Ardoni I knew. Even bold enough to arm and use "The Iron Matron", one of Ardonia's most powerful weapons. A blade so deadly, it could kill a deamos with one strike. The blade was made with demonic iron, one of the world's rarest ores, and he fought proudly. He swore one day, the blade would meet the Deathsinger... but it never did..." Aphmau paused for a moment.

"Why? What happened?" Senn asked eagerly, "Well, Thalleous was on the brink of victory as the Voltaris retreated to The Barrier Mountains, and Thalleous didn't see the landminds near him. One Voltaris accidentally set them off. Thalleous survived but lost half of his left horn and his tail. But what hurt the most was that the Iron Matron was stolen" Aphmau explained.

"Who stole it?" Senn asked. The breeze caught his hair. He knew dawn would approach soon, but he wanted to know this tale.

"No one knows who stole the blade. But rumor has it that a Voltaris stole it. Or possibly a deamos, but no one could confirm. All that remained after the blade was stolen... was the shattered glass from the case the blade was held in. Someone must have wanted that blade if they wanted to steal it..." Aphmau points out before sighing.

"Are you willing to teach someone songs and or fighting?" Senn asked. Aphmau looked at him for a moment, "Depends on who would want to" Aphmau explained, "Me. I want you to teach me! At least when I get back" Senn exclaimed. Aphmau's jaw dropped, "You want to learn from me? But why not Galleous or Val, or heck even your father?" Aphmau asked.

"Don't get me wrong, they were all amazing mentors, but Galleous refused to wield songs, Val taught basics, and Thalleous hardly trained me. So, I want to learn from you. You're a frecking goddess, and you know so much in the world! Please! I'm begging here. I want to know more. And maybe also learn about my family more" Senn admits.

"Well, as long as you can keep up, then okay. I'll teach you, but fair warning... I won't go easy on you" Aphmau teased.

"Deal! And I won't let you down" Senn exclaimed excitedly. He knew he found hope for a future. With everyone he loved. His family, friends, and Ria...

Senn opened his eyes and saw the stone ceiling of his cell. He held the Dreamvisitor on his cheek before quickly hiding it in his inventory.

He smiled softly. He knew he got what he wanted! He will keep his hope, his future, and his courage to push forward. It's like Thalleous said...

Out with the old, and In with the New.....

Sorry for such a long wait!!! I hope you enjoy it and stick around for more!!!

Also, who do you think Stole the Iron Matron... let me know in the comments!!!

See ya and Stay Gold!! ❤️🔥

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