𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𓇽

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I was at the chateau with all the Pogues. We were all joking around and making fun of Pope. It was like a tradition, everyone loved to bother Pope. They are always picking on him, but in a jokingly way and he knows that. We all settled down, except for Sarah and John B. They disappeared awhile ago.

"Where did those two go?"

"Probably doing it somewhere"-kie

"Yeah, Sarah was probably like "John B, give me some of that John D already!""

"Can we not talk about our friends and their private love lives please?"-pope

"Your just mad because you're not getting any"-jj

"And you are?"-pope

"ok how about we change the subject guys" I said, not sure I wanted to hear JJ's answer.

Pope and Kie start talking about something that was really weird, so JJ brought me with him to fix his surfboard. We were talking about random things. He asked about Diego, which was sweet considering he never even met the kid. He was so curious about my life, and my family. It was nice to know someone cared a bit.

I asked about his family, curious to know more about his life. I learned it has always been just him and his dad, but they don't talk much. I felt bad about that, told him that my mom left us in LA and that is why we moved here. He was shocked that my mom left so recently. He asked why and I lied and said I had no clue. I couldn't tell him what my dad did, that would just be chaotic. But now, we had something in common. Two teenagers with no moms, just some pretty crappy dads.

"So, you wanna try surfing now Breezy? The waves look pretty small, perfect if you don't know how"

"JJ, I know how to surf. I just didn't want to the other day because I rolled my ankle, and it still hurts."

"Wow you lied to me, I'm offended!" he said as he raised his hand to his chest. Trying to seem as hurt as possible.

"haha I apologize"

We kept on talking and then Kie literally pushed me out of my spot. I could tell she wasn't a fan of me, but shoving me out of her way seemed a bit excessive. She was making it more and more evident that she was not a fan of my presence.

JJ looked just as surprised as I did. He gave her a look of disapproval and she just stood there with a huge smile on her face. Acting clueless of her actions I don't know what it is with her, but she just seems like such a bitch sometimes.

"Hey Jayj, how is it going?" she asks, ignoring his glare

"Kie, Brie was just there." he said as he tried to get a bit of an acknowledgement from her.

"First of all, her name is Briella, not Brie. And I know she was, but this is our thing."

"Look I can just go over there if its too much of a problem..."

"No. Briella stay." He said, more as an order then a request.

"No, you can leave. Bye!" Kiara said in a bitchy tone.

I looked at JJ and he just shook his head at Kie. I didn't know if there was something happening with them, but Kie acted like there was. It hurt and bothered me that Kiara was this rude to me. I haven't done anything to her, and I got treated like this. It didn't seem fair, what was her reason for treating me differently than everyone else.

I walked over to Pope and its like he knew Kie had done something. He explains how she has a crush of JJ and has for like ever now. He said that they did talk but JJ isn't trying to get with her. He also said that she is supper jealous and possessive with him, which was evident. It was just a bit odd though, if she knew the feelings weren't mutual, why keep trying to push for something to happen. We continued chatting about Kie until we saw the two lovebirds appear.

"Well look at that! The two dirty little Pogues themselves. Did you two have some fun?"-pope

"Oh shut up Pope. You're just mad you're not getting any"-jb

"Why does it always gotta come back to that?"

We all laughed and started talking about no Pogue on Pogue makin' rule. But we all knew that rule was never gonna be followed by anyone. A clear example was JB and Sarah


JJ knew Kie liked him, but it was coming to a point where it was just annoying. He has told her to stop a bunch of times, but she just never listens. Ever. She just lets it go in one ear and out the other, never changing how she acts. She is continuously being rude to any girl JJ is with, even if he has no feelings for them. She was even nasty with Sarah once, and she is currently dating his best friend. Obviously nothing was going on, but Kie didn't like it. All the Pogues are starting to find her annoying, and they are getting mad at JJ like it is his fault. They want him to do something about this whole situation, but he really can't. She just wont stop. No matter what he tries to do.

"Look Kie, you can't do that. This is not our thing. Its MY thing that you always ruin."

"Oh, stop it Jayj, I know you love it when I come help you."

"No, I really don't,"

"Well, I see that little miss Briella wouldn't go surfing with you, how about we go together."

"Sure, whatever" he says, defeated. Talking to her is like talking to a child. She has no desire to listen to what he says, she just hears what she wans to.

They went to the beach to surf, but JJ was not excited or enjoying it. He was just annoyed of Kiara at this point, just like the others. He surfed for awhile but that was all, cutting his usual two hour activity into 30 minutes. After that he just lied in the sand. And Kiara came and lied right beside him.


JJ and Kie came back after awhile and they all decided they were hungry. Everyone got their things together before heading into the Twinkie. Once we arrived at Kie's parents' restaurant, I got the look of death from Kiara. I knew that was her telling me not to go into the restaurant. So, I didn't.

"Guys, I gotta get home. My little brother is waiting for me."

"Come on Brie, stay with us for a bit" JJ asked, not wanting their time together to end.

"No no, you have babysitting to do, see yeah!" Kie retorted, as she took a bite out of the sandwich on her plate .

I didn't even look back, I just left. I now knew that Kiara did not like me, and I would make sure not to bother her. I wasn't looking to cause problems in a friend group I had just joined. I walked home, alone, in the dark. Left to my own thoughts.

When I walked towards my room, I saw that Diego was asleep. First night that he slept alone! Now that I didn't have to spend my night in his bed, I decided to go work on the Treehouse. I got some pillows, lights, chairs, blankets, and posters from the attic and got to work.

The whole time I was working on it I was think about Kiara and JJ. I knew that JJ wanted to hang out with me, he made sure that was clear. And I definitely wanted to spend more time with him, but we just couldn't because of Kiara. I didn't know what I would do. Maybe giving them some space is the better move. Let them figure out whatever they have going on.

When I was finished with the Treehouse I went to sit on the beach for awhile. It really helped clear my mind, hearing the waves and thinking about the dolphins. I sat there for a really long time, and then decided to head back inside to go to sleep.

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