『Gwen and Y/N reunited (ATSV)』

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(Yo guys just before the chapter starts I just wanted to say that I changed my mind about the lemon so y'all are fine to read these chapters. So yeah that's all and hope you enjoy this chapter)

Y/N pov

As I waiting for the cake to be done, it finally finished. I was talking for what I wanted the cake to say

Y/N: and even though we had our ups and downs-

Cake maker: umm hey, spiderman it won't fit on one cake

Y/N: can't you write smaller?

Cake maker: can't you talk shorter?

Y/N: touché

I just buy a second cake to finish what I was writing. As I walked out the store with both cakes. One of the cakes almost falls out of my hand causing it to make some frosting falls out, I then go back inside to buy another cake as I'm careful with it this time. I then swing to a train station and take a train to the other side of Brooklyn, as I'm on the train it's crowded and I'm squished in the middle of 2 people. As I'm on it, I see a villain coming up that looks to be a armadillo. I sit at the front of the train and walk off as I electrocute the villain causing him to roll up into a ball and  I kick him off the train tracks. I swing off the train and land as everyone crowds around me taking pictures. I then take a taxi for 5 minutes as I put the cakes on top of the car. I get off and start swinging but forget the cakes is on top of the car. I go chasing after it while running.

Y/N: no no no no no no

After getting the cakes I swing to the house and quickly take off my backpack as I switch into a white shirt with a jersey on, some pants and a jacket as I keep my spiderman suit under the clothes. I take off my mask and web zip up to the top of the building as I web shoot the cakes up with me as well. I then walk out to the rooftop as I try to dodge my parents but I talk to the guests

Y/N: hey wassup man! How you doin?

I do a handshake with someone

???: where were you

Y/N: what do you mean? I have been here the whole time

I then set the cakes down as I feel my spider senses go off and turn around to see my mom and dad

Jefferson: been here the whole time huh?

Rio: you missed you dads beautiful heart filled speech!

Y/N: well there's some beautiful words on the cakes. Just look!

I open the cakes to see that the frosting is all smooshed on both of them and it says in a deformed way "I'm not proud"

Y/N: that's not what I meant

Rio: your dad has studied for 8 months

Jefferson: 9

Rio: where have you been?

Y/N: it was a emergency

Rio: explain yourself

Y/N: sounds like your explaining me pretty well

Rio: Jeff we got a funny son

Jefferson: I'm not laughing

Just then someone comes up to use and hugs us all, we talk in Spanish until

???: ooo cool shirt

She grabs my jersey as for a split second she can see my spider suit. I take her hand off of it

Y/N: thanks but it's kinda umm rare. Have you checked out the cakes?

I back away as quickly as I can until they're behind me

The Young Spider (Male reader x Into/Across/Beyond the spider verse)Where stories live. Discover now