『Battle for Dimension 1610 pt 3 (BTSV)』

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𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

As the battle now got serious as everyone was against Spot, more buildings were being destroyed by the second. The Spot then makes another move by punching the air creating wind hitting everyone making us skid back a bit. The Spot then creates a whole under my feet as it pulls me in sending me to not only different places, but different dimensions and the past. For example, I saw a Lego world, a convenience store with a woman running it, the collider that's still running, Mumbattan, a Black and white dimension and more. Eventually it stops at one place as it's in-visions academy collapsing. I run as the roof is creating falling rubble left and right. As I don't think I can get out in time I create a force field I put in my suit as everything falls. After a minute I look up and see I'm okay. I get out the building and swing towards the scene as I swing-kick Spot in the face knocking him back. Miles 42 attaches a bomb to Spot but it falls through one of his portals on his body sending it into a building exploding it

The Spot: how about we head back to the collider shall we

I get teleported to the collider along with Gwen, Y/N 42, Miles 42, Uncle Aaron 42, Peter B. Parker, Noir, Ham, Miles, Peni and her robot

Y/N 42: what do we do?

Y/N: I don't know

I rush at Spot as I try to land a hit on him but I fail as he dodges the punch. I try to do a follow up attack which also fails. Peni's Robot shoots a beam at Spot as it hits him knocking him away. Gwen takes the chance to swing over to where he'll land and kick him in the neck knocking him to the side. Y/N 42, Miles 42 and Uncle Aaron 42 throw a bomb at the Spot as it explodes where he is at making him get caught in it. Miles then webs Spot up

Spot: no this can't be happening, I'm losing?! To people who made me look like this. If I can't win then I'll kill one of you

Spot makes a burst of power come out as he's enraged. He rushes at me with insane Speeds as he's at least 6x faster. He punches me hard. As I'm about to be knocked back he grabs me and throws me into the collider beam

Everyone except Spot: Y/N!!!

I pass out

𝟐𝟎 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

I wake up as I see black around me. I try to get up but I can't as I lay there. Am I dead? I heard that the collider could kill you. Guess I am, anyways I see a hand as I look at it, a few seconds later I take it as I stand up and see Uncle Aaron, my universes version

Y/N: uncle Aaron

Aaron: Hey Y/N, I see your Spider-Man now

Y/N: yeah, I'm sorry I couldn't save you

Aaron: don't be sorry, it was my mistake to take up a job like that, working for king pin. But why are you losing right now

Y/N: I don't know how I can win, even though we have hundreds of people helping, the Spot is too strong

Aaron: but you have to remember what I told you, just keep going man

Y/N: you never said that

Aaron: now I did, but still. Don't let some Villain of the week make you have to try this hard. Think about the ones you love and how much you want to save them. Remember that no matter what in all of your fights

Y/N: I will uncle Aaron

He puts his hand on my shoulder as I feel a crazy surge in power

Uncle Aaron: show him who's Morales

Just then the place goes white as it ends 45 seconds later now I'm back at the collider. I explode in power as I have a rainbow aura around me and my futuristic suit now as I fly out of the collider beam

The Young Spider (Male reader x Into/Across/Beyond the spider verse)Where stories live. Discover now