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    We live in a world of judgement and hatred. I used to be a very hateful person, but things have changed since I met her. She brings love into my life, appreciation, and the meaning to go on I so longly searched for.

 She brings love into my life, appreciation, and the meaning to go on I so longly searched for

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I've dated some other girls before. I honestly thought they were the all "the one". I can't believe how naïve i was...

4/28/23 - Fri | Period 1

"I'm in love with her, honestly", I said to my (fake) friend Adrienne.

    "Even though this is the third time you've gotten back with her? I told you to dump her already", Adrienne said reluctantly

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"Even though this is the third time you've gotten back with her? I told you to dump her already", Adrienne said reluctantly. She doesn't see what I see in my girlfriend Valeria. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, and sure she's a grade below me, but none of that matters when it comes down to my feeling of her. She's beautiful, has a great personality, and is always looking out for me. She's always there for me when I need it.

"Trust me-", I pleaded, "we're going to last this time."

"Well don't say i never warned you." As the time for second period approaches, we begin to pack up. Usually I'd be talking to valeria since we have band together, but she's absent today. I couldn't stop thinking about her and had to talk about her to someone, Adrienne was just a compromise.


| Period 3

"Wait so you're telling me you got back together AGAIN?", Sam exclaimed. "Dude you got back with her a third time... even I'm not that desperate", Daniel said.

"Shut up. Anyways we got back together because we were texting the other night and she was supper sweet and she offered so-", I said until Daniel interrupted me. "You break up with someone for a reason. You had two opportunities to figure that out."

"We're going to last this time, it's already been like 5 days since we got back together."

"Honestly just keep me out of your gay shit, I don't see this going anywhere.", Sam said.


| Lunch

    "I'm worried about Valeria, she's responding dry to all my texts. She's not sick or anything, they're in Tijuana.", I said

    "ew mexican...", the other Valeria said. I had to make a swag comeback.

    "Shut the fuck up that's why you're dating an ugly ass mexican dude

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    "Shut the fuck up that's why you're dating an ugly ass mexican dude.", I calmly replied

    I don't want to ask my Valeria what's wrong and sound pushy. I really hope she's ok.


| After School

I don't know what to say

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I don't know what to say.

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