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5/9/23 - Wed | Late Afternoon The air is cold and stale. The noise of the air conditioning and tapping of my foot is becoming increasingly more obvious to me. There's only four fold out chairs in the hall, and honestly they're uncomfortable. On the walls are large pieces of construction paper, with framed pictures of events from years prior, pictures of staff, and shelves with trophies laying atop. On the other side of the hall is Dellissa, staring at the floor, but then she turns to me. "That was a pretty weak kick back there.", she loudly whispers while giggling. "Shut up", I say while I turn my head, hiding my smile. "Maybe she'll bald on the other side after you pulled her hair like that.", I continued as we laughed. Only a few seconds later the door began to open. "Girls, please quiet down. You're supposed to be quiet.", a nice lady from the office tells me. "Sorry...", I respond. We sit in silence for a while longer... it felt like years. I mean it's been at least 15 minutes since- "He's ready to see you two.", the same nice woman from the office told me. Both me and Dellissa stood up and walked from the hall into the office. "Right down that hall to the left", she continued. "Thank you...", I replied. A walk through a hallway this short has never seem so long. I can feel my arms legs shaking, I begin to feel lightheaded, and ngl my stomach feels kinda empty. I take one look back at Dellissa and she doesn't seem to be in much better condition. I want to go home.
| Principal's Office "Hello, please take a seat.", Mr.L says as I open the door. I sat on the seat to the left while Dellissa sat on the one to the right. "We've watched a video a student recorded in the commotion and have reason to believe you are the ones who hurt the girl in the video. I'm going to be blunt with you girls and tell you now that you will be suspended and be given detention, but your cooperation will determine the length of these punishments." I can't stop thinking of what's going to happen when I get home, no, they're gonna make my parents pick me up. I'm fucked.
| Later We were inside waiting to be picked up, with nothing to do or say. But all the sudden I started to hear people talking outside the room. "Hello, I just got a call that my daughter is in the principals office." I could recognize that voice anywhere, it's my mom. "Alright ma'm If you'll show me show form of identification and list some of your info here then I'll let you into the office.", a voice said. "Is ID ok?" "Sure is just give me a moment..." All of the sudden it went silent. I'm worried what she's going to think of me. I mean I was just defending myself. She can't get that mad, right? I hear her footsteps getting louder. My heart starts racing uncontrollably, I should've never fought Cassidy. Suddenly, she opens the door with an embarrassed look on her face. "I'm so sorry Mr.L for whatever trouble penny got into, and I hope we can discuss this and get everything organized." "No need to worry, Mrs.S is it? Dellissa if you wouldn't mind sitting outside for the moment.", Mr.L said. Dellissa stood up and left the room, with my mom taking a seat in her place. "Jumping straight to the topic at hand, your daughter was caught roughhousing with another student during her lunch. That kind of behavior isn't tolerated on our campus." "Alright... but where's the other kid? Where's her parents? Shouldn't she be in here too?" "Mrs.S she's in the nurses office waiting to be picked up by her parents to see a doctor." The room went silent. "I see... so what were you thinking on the discipline side." "Well we went over some options and decided on 2 weeks of suspension and 1 week of lunch detention. Additionally Penny signed some documents acknowledging..." "How did you get, or why did you have my daughter sign a paper without my permission? She's underage, her signature means virtually nothing." "Still, that's the punishment we decided upon. We'll see your daughter on the 16th." "So you're having my daughter decide what's best when I'm the one who works?" "We can try to work out another way to punish her but two weeks of suspension is typical for a fight this serious." My mom looked stressed, I feel bad for putting this burden on her. "Alright. Again, I'm so sorry for all the trouble she caused, but please check with the parents if you're going to have our kids sign any forms. C'mon Penny", my mom said while signaling for me to get up. The walk to the car was quiet but the car ride sure wasn't. No matter what anyone says, Cassidy deserved it.