𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𓇽

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I woke up and was slow to get out of bed. I scrolled threw my socials for awhile, read a couple chapters in my book. I wasn't in any rush. I finally got out of bed and went to make breakfast. We actually had food today, I was going to make some eggs, bacon and toast.

I turned on my music, and was enjoying my peaceful morning. Both Diego and Papa were in their rooms, I was alone. Mid cooking, my phone buzzed.

'Don't forget Breezy, ill be there at 12😉'

Then it hit me. It was Saturday and I had a "date" with JJ. How did I manage forget that he was taking me somewhere today? It was 11;15 right now and I'm not even done cooking breakfast. I speed up my cooking and set the table quickly. I practically inhaled my food while Papa and Diego sat down and ate calmly. My outfit was nothing special, just some sweats and a cropped long sleeve because it was colder today. My hair was in two messy French braids because I didn't have time to brush it and style it, and the bun was not working today.

Once I was ready I went downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen. Quickly scrubbing each plate, glass and utensil before leaving them on the drying rack to dry. Diego watched me, confused on why I was moving so quickly and was already dressed to leave on a Saturday.

"Ellie, why are you in such a rush? Its Saturday."

"Gogo, I'm going out with a friend. Ill be back later"

"Oh is it another mean friend? Like Ashley or Monica?"

"no Gogo this friend is very nice. You would like him"

"No I wouldn't, your friends are always mean to me"

"Not this one Gogo, you'll see, do me a favor and stay in your room or the clubhouse until I get back please."

"ok Ellie"

Diego ran back upstairs and that's when my phone buzzed again.


I walked out the door, scrambling with my bag and the other things I had in my hand. After I closed and locked my door, I saw him in the twinkie. He sat there with his hat on and a grin plastered on his face. Then he waved, but not at me at something behind me. I turned around and saw Diego in the window sticking his tongue out at JJ.

"Diego! Vetea hora mismo!" (go in the house)

I knew he couldn't hear me but he knew what I said. I walked over the JJ who was laughing.

"I thought you said he was shy"

"Did I? I meant he doesn't like any of my friends."

"haha he'll see that I'm not mean once he meets me."

We drove into town and were talking the whole ride about the most random things, enjoying each others company. No thoughts about the dolphins, about Papa or about Mami floated through my mind when I was with him. I felt like a kid again, enjoying life like there was nothing bad that could happen.

"No but for real, what if my version on blue looks like green to you, like we can all be seeing the world completely differently but no one could no"

"Briella, how do you even think of that"

"I got a lot of time to think"

JJ brought me to this beach side carnival and we spent the day there. We went on some rides, played some games and enjoyed ourselves. Joking about everything we saw, running from the ride instructor after JJ decided to stand on the Ferris Wheel.

As the day went on I got more and more curious on what JJstood for. His name couldn't actually be JJ, it had to stand for something, I just couldn't figure it out.

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