𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𓇽

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I'm sitting at a picnic table outside the school with all the Pogues. Kiara was at home so I wasn't too worried about any drama happening. We are all relaxing and talking. It was a nice day outside, it was hot with a cool breeze, the sun beaming down on my skin.

"Yo guys, Rafe is having a party at mine tomorrow night. You guys should come!"

"really Sarah, a kook party. You want us at a kook party"-jb

"Yeah, Briella first party cant be no kook party"

"Guys, there's Pogues there. Everyone is invited. Its going to be so much fun. Please come"

"I mean if there's Pogues I'm down"-jj

"I cant guys, sorry"

"What do you mean you cant? What else do you have to do on a Friday?"-Pope

"I need to watch Diego, and Kiara will be there and I don't want any—"

"Cant your dad just watch your brother for once?"-Pope

"It's not that simple.."

"Look, nothing will happen at the party. You'll be with me. And Diego will be fine for one night."JJ tried to reassure me, but my gut told me not to go to this party.

"I don't know JJ, what if—"

"Yay guys! She's coming! Lets go back inside"

I didn't know about this party. I really didn't want to leave Diego home alone. Especially not after seeing how papa has been lately. I knew it wouldn't end well. We went back inside and we had English. The most boring class. I was literally ready to fall asleep, and I saw that JJ was already. Mr. Sunn finally wrapped up his lesson and let us leave. I grabbed my bad and started my walk to my next destination.

When I got to Diego's school, he was full of energy, more than usual. He came up to me with one of his friends and they both had a huge smile on their faces.

"Briella, this is Jax. He's my new friend. He's having a sleepover tomorrow with some other of my friends. Can I please go? Please!" he begged, the eagerness shown in his eyes. I knew how badly he wanted to go to this, he even gave me a hug to try and convince me.

"Yeah yeah you can go Diego, I just need his moms number."

"already have it in my bag. Bye Jax!"

"Bye Di!"

"Di? That's new."

"Yeah, that's what everyone calls me at school now."

I was happy to see Diego was fitting in so well at school. He was making new friends and he always seemed happy. This sleepover was great because now we could all be out of the house and away from papa tomorrow night. We headed home and I went to the beach for awhile. I just sat there and watched the waves, it was calming me down and clearing my mind. I tried not to think about the dolphins, life was good right now. No need to think about the dolphins.

After awhile I went back inside and started cooking. Diego decided to help me out tonight and we were having a blast. Making some soup and grilled cheese. We were dancing and singing while cooking and when it was finally ready, we all sat down and ate.

"The food is very good Brielle, buen trabajo(good job)"

"Thanks Papa, and I just thought you should know we wont be home tomorrow night"

"Yeah! I'm going to a sleepover!"

"That's fun Diego, but where will you be Briella?"

"I got invited to a party"

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