𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𓇽

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It was about 5 now and Diego was all ready. He made sure to pack more then he would really need, he dragged me to the store to grab some snacks so he would be invited to all the sleepovers. He was supper excited and it was really cute.

JJ was picking us both up so I wouldn't have to walk him to his friends house. I was stressing out because I didn't know what to wear. Sarah said it was just a casual party but what was casual? I already had everything else done but my outfit. I decided to just wear a basic dress with a jean jacket and some air forces. It looked like a casual outfit, not too much or too little. My hair was just down because it looked decent as is.

I told JJ to text me when he was here because I didn't want papa to start anything. They would just discretely leave once he was outside, trying to avoid Papa. He still didn't want me to go to the party but I promised JJ I would.

When I got his text I got Diego's things and we walked outside. I really did think Diego was more excited to see JJ than I was. He ran to the Twinkie and immediately gave JJ a high five.


"Hey lil' dude! You ready for that sleepover?"


He was putting on his seat belt and then JJ came to help me put the bags in the car.  He gave me a hug and a little kiss before turning his attention to my outfit.

"You like beautiful Breezy"

"You don't look bad yourself Jesse"

"Yo, can u save the lovey dovy stuff for after you drop me off?"

"Yep, sure thing. Lets go Breezy"

We drove to this Jax's house and the two boys discussed their game plan for the sleepover.

"Listen, all you gotta do is think of some stupid stuff and just do it. Nothing bad can really happen, just do whatever comes to mind"

"That's a good idea"

"No. No it is not. Diego don't do anything stupid. JJ stop telling the kid to do stupid things"

"He asked what I would do, I was just being honest. Honesty is also key Di. Always tell the truth. See Brie, word of wisdom from JJ Maybank"

They continued their talk until we arrived at the house. I brought all Diego's stuff inside. He was all excited and didn't even say bye. Jax's mom told me she would call if anything happened and that I could go pick him up tomorrow around 1;30. I went back in the car and JJ gave me a much longer kiss.

"Sorry, I wanted to do that before but Diego said we couldn't until after he was at the sleepover."

"Thanks for driving him"

"No problem."

We drove to the Cameron's and talked about what JJ did at previous parties. They all sounded like so much fun and I was looking forward to what we would be doing tonight. We got to the party and I saw Kiara. She didn't notice us yet but I sure did notice her. My hands started to shake, very slightly and I immediately started to fidget with them. Trying to calm my gut feeling that something bad would happen. JJ saw that I got a bit nervous, so he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. We walked into the party and found the rest of the Pogues.

"Look at that, the couple of the evening everyone! Briella Martinez and JJ Maybank"

"Oh stop it Pope, you're just mad you here alone again"

"You know, I'm just gonna stop talking"

"No Pope, keep talking. Maybe well get more ways to annoy you"

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