another tmf rant teehee

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credits to 「 r a e 」on Pinterest for the picture 👆

TW : mentions of depression, sh, 4ang!ng, and opinions that may anger people (a lot of Drew slander, so beware nyeheheh)

I'm getting straight to the point: WHY DO PEOPLE FAVOUR DREW SO MUCH. Drew is a toxic, manipulative person and the fandom doesn't care. I'll get to him in a bit.

And it's the same with Jake too. I definitely like Jake more than I like Drew, but he still screwed up, and the fandom goes "GRR WHY DID TMC KICK JAKE OUT HE DID BARELY ANYTHING WRONG GRR😡😡😡😡"

First of all, the music club had all the right to kick him out, because they gave him a second chance, bitches out there really think they'd give him a third? 💀 They might in the finale, we'll never know unless we see it. Jake said all that stuff about the club willingly, and sure, I do feel a bit sorry for him now that almost everybody is against him (except Daisy , we love her <3). But that doesn't mean I think he did nothing wrong???? Dear fandom, don't act like you wouldn't have done the same as the rest of the music club did.

And Drew. Oh my dear god, he's been given too much praise lately, if i'm being honest. He's been nothing but a shitty person to everyone around him. And I'll agree that he is an okay friend for looking out for Jake, and I do believe he was a better person in their freshman year. But people are still out there not giving two shits that he's done all this stuff , and saying that he doesn't deserve all the hate. 

AND ANOTHER THING THAT HAS PISSED ME OFF WERE ALL THE VIDEOS DREW / JOMIES STANS MADE ABOUT JAKE "SNAPPING" AT THE MUSIC CLUB. THIS. Wtf even is this. Jake isn't the one who should be "snapping" at the music club, they kicked him out for hell of a good reason. He talked about Hailey's anxiety badly!! How do people process that as "not that big of a deal"??

Oml, there are too many things people are making on gacha that piss me off: THOSE VIDEOS ABOUT JAKE THAT SHOW HIM HANGING / DOING SH / COMMITTING SEWERSLIDE. DUDE. I can slightly give respect to those who make this content have their own AU and mind their own business , but the people who go overboard with this stuff and NORMALIZE IT?? 

Please, be sensible if you're going to even make content about TMF. 

okay that's all , phew , have a good day ♡

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