*sigh* platonic Zailey hcs bc i said so

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→ They like to text each other the stupidest things even if they're across the room from eachother

→ When Hailey smiles at her phone, Zander's over protective brother instincts kick in and looks over her shoulder multiple times (his insides hope it isn't Jake she's texting)

→ Zander has arachnophobia, so whenever he sees a small spider crawling on their bathroom floor, he screams Hailey's name by instinct and jumps onto the toilet seat

→ Hailey would have constant anxiety attacks in her freshman year, so she'd burst into Zander's bedroom door and cry into his arms (she still does get them sometimes, but they're better now)

→ at family dinners, they have a morse code. so they could be making fun of Bethany or swearing at each other and nobody knows. Shannon and Micheal stopped asking wtf they kept signing to each other a few months after they started doing it

→ A lot of the time, Hailey is on her phone. When zander is too lazy to get up and check the time on his watch or another clock, he snatches Hailey's phone out of her hands, checks the time, gives it back, and walks away. Both of em pretend like nothing happened lmao

→ Hailey and Zander are told to read bedtime stories for Bethany. Hailey actually does so while Zander just laughs his ass off whenever something bad happens

→ Hailey will sometimes come really close to Zander's ear if they're in the same room. Zander would naturally come closer, so Hailey would whisper the stupidest shit in his ear

he falls for it every time lmaooaoaoaoa

but uh


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