incorrect quotes because they're funny

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*Liam and Henry making a music video cover of "Never gonna give you up" while dancing abruptly*

Drew from a distance: *sigh* those are my idiots.


*Milly and Sean over at Luke's house watching a movie*

Luke, tearing up: *sniffsniff* oh my god..

Sean, almost unfazed but shocked: wow.

Milly: look at you Luke, already crying. You're such a baby. Luckily, I don't cry!

Sean: ...

Sean: you cried over snakes this morning

Milly, also starting to tear up: BUT THEY DONT HAVE ARMS HOW DO THEY LIVE


Elliot, noticing Milly blanked out: what are you doing?

Milly: thinking

Elliot: about what?

Milly: the outcome of me mixing Coke and Mentos in my mouth

Elliot: aaand there go your coffee machine privileges.


Zander: ugh i'm so tired

Luke: Y'know why you're so tired?

Zander: Yeah, because I-

Luke: Because you've been running through my mind all day.

Zander, flustered: ...

Zander: i-

Milly, tired of it all: OH FOR GOD'S SAKE


Jake: sooo.. you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Hailey: um, no..

Jake, genuinely surprised: what?! how??

Hailey: *shrugs* I don't know. I've never asked anyone out, and never got asked out.

Jake, quietly under his breath: but you're so beautiful..

Hailey: what?

Jake, panicking: HAHA WHAT


Jake: I accidentally drank Zander's grape juice.. how long do you think I'll live?

Hailey: ten

Jake: ten what?

Zander, from a distance: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY JUICE

Hailey: nine, eight...


*Zander and Luke as kids*

Luke: Zander, we should get married!!

Zander: why? doesnt that mean we have to kiss or something??

Luke: So? that doesn't matter! There's going to be a huge cake all to ourselves!


Zander: as long as it's chocolate, fine, we can get married

Luke: YAY


Jake: what's the missing letter from A, E, _, O, U?

Hailey: ..I?

Jake: what's the opposite of hate?

Hailey: love..

Jake: ..aaand what's the opposite of me?

Hailey: a humble person


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