Meeting you

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Felix pov

"Two more days left of this hell and then two months of freedom!" Jisung, my best friend, exclaims.

"I can't believe we're already gonna be seniors next year." I added.

"I know right! Feels like I was just a freshman a few months ago." He replied.

As you can see, the school year is over in a few days. Then it's two and a half months away from teachers, school work, and fake personalities.
I'm hoping to make this summer one to remember. As last years wasn't too great. At all.
I have a great group of friends to spend time with so there's no reason this summer can be anything less than great.

"This class better not make us do any work. It's the last week of school!" Jisung said as we walked into our Algebra 2 class that we all shared.

"Hi Jisung! How was your day?" Minho says as he pulls up a chair to our table.
He and Jisung have been dating for about 2 weeks now and they just can't get enough of each other.

"Okay class, today we are going to be taking a break from algebra. It's been a long year so I'll give you guys all of class to play games, hang out etc." Our teacher says.

"Thank the heavens!" Jisung exclaims.

I giggle and we settle on playing with a deck of cards all together.




Jisung and Minho were arguing over a game of War while I just watched and observed. They were pretty competitive. Correction— Jisung is very competitive. The boy feels the need to be first and win in anything he does. Let's just say, it's gotten him into trouble a few times.

In the midst of the chaos, someone suddenly approached our table. It was the quiet, kind of new boy. Hwang Hyunjin.

"Mind if I join you guys? I like any card games and my group is just on their phones— I'm really bored." he asked with a chuckle.
For a second, we all looked at each other but then I finally spoke up.
"Yeah, no problem! Take a seat! We're probably gonna change the game we play because these two can't be quiet about it."

He gave me a warm smile and took a seat in front of me.

"Can we switch the game to Spoons or something?" I asked .

( author note: If you don't know what spoons is, look it up bc I'm too lazy to explain it💔)

As we set up the game, we learned a little bit more about Hyunjin. He's nothing like I expected. He usually sat in the corner of the room, occasionally talking to his table mates. But he was nice and kinda outgoing. He moved here during the second semester, right after winter break, so he didn't know the area all too well. He was cute too.

As we were playing the game, I went in to grab a spoon, before I realized they were all gone. Meaning, they took all of them and I wasn't paying attention. My face dropped in defeat and they all started laughing at me. I folded my arms like a sore loser and just watched the rest of the competition.
As I was out of the game, observing the yelling and a quickness of hands, Hyunjin started laughing suddenly. We all looked at him in curiosity, wondering why he would start laughing to himself.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I thought of how disappointed he was realizing he was out and it was just funny to me" he explains while giggling.
We started laughing with him and I realized that I had made a new friend. He was nice. I was happy about this new bond.

As the end of class rolled around, we all said goodbye and Jisung chased after me.

"Lixieee~" he says in a tone

"Whattttt" I ask, confused.

"What do you think of Hyunjin?" He asks

"He seemed nice, I'm glad we're all friends now."

"Pretty dreamy huh?" He teased

"Jisung don't say that, you have a boyfriend." I said.
He was right though. He was pretty handsome, I must say. Tall, long hair, plump lips, a pretty face. He was pleasing to look at. But I'm not looking for anything romantic like that, so I minded my own business. My last relationship was messy. I don't have the energy to go through that again.

After the school day is over, I go home and get ready for the last day of school tomorrow. Just 24 hours and I'll be a senior. My last year. A little scary to think about.

The next day, I go about my schedule and go to my Algebra 2 class with Seungmin and Jisung. The last day of school always ended early so they scheduled this class to be the last clas of the day, ending at 2:25pm.
We walked into the class and both Hyunjin and Minho were already waiting at our table for us. Our teacher gave us the same free day she gave us yesterday so this time, we decided to play a multiplayer game on our phones called Spaceteam. A game where you shout out different tasks that others have to do in order to survive.




The game was intense, as you can tell. Once our team finally died in the game, we started playing another online game. Getting to interact and know Hyunjin more. I definitely had my fair share of glancing and stares at him. And this did not go unnoticed by my friends. Jisung would nudge my elbow every so often and give me that best friend look of "talk to him".

Towards the end of class, we all got up and waited by the door until the school year was officially over. Once the bell rang, everyone cheered and ran out.
I noticed Hyunjin walking alone and thought about how nice it could be to remain friends with him. So i made the brave decision to do just that.

"Hyunjin, wait up!"
He turns around and looks at me as I jog over to him.

"You're a really cool person and nice to talk to. I don't want to lose in touch so do you wanna exchange numbers?" I say with a shaky voice. I wasn't too great at this stuff.

He smiled and grabbed my phone to put his number in and I did the same. As he gave me my phone back, we walked together towards the exit of the building, just chatting.
He soon had to walk away to his bus and we said goodbye.

"Have a good summer, Hyunjin!"
"You too, Felix! I hope you like my name in your phone!" He yelled while walking away.
I walked to my bus and looked down at my phone and the name he put his contact as.

"Handsome Boy🤍"

I giggled at the words and looked back out of a random instructive thought. Fortunately for me, he was already looking. We made eye contact, smiled, and stepped on our busses.

Hwang Hyunjin



Hi everyone! I Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! Also, omg angel numbers? I hope that's a good sign 😅

I'm hoping to be frequent with publishing chapters but luckily for you, I'll be publishing the first few for its initial release.
I really do hope you can enjoy this book as I think it'll be nice and emotional. Thanks!

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