Under the stars with you

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"Y'know, if you take a picture, it'll last longer." The younger teased while giggling.

Embarrassed, Hyunjin rubbed his neck and lightly laughed.
"Oh I uhh.. yeah hehe.." He stammered, not quite knowing how to respond.

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing. Stare alll you want." Felix laughed and laid down on the blanket he and Hyunjin were sitting on.

Hyunjin felt the redness rush to his cheeks and tried to hide it by holding his face up with his hands by the cheeks. He knew it was pointless.

After a little while longer of teasing each other and watching the couple play in the water, everyone decided it was time to start leaving, worn out from all the physical movement they did. They all chatted and came up with future hangouts as they cleaned up and before they realized it, the sun was out of sight.
"Well, we'll see you guys later. Me and Minho are gonna head home. Bye guys!" Jisung says while waving goodbye and entering Minho's car.

"Bye Ji!" Felix exclaimed while waving back at his best friend.


"So, you ready to go?" Felix asked the older as he finished packing the rest of the stuff in the car trunk.

He was gonna say yes, but he didn't want the night to end just yet.

"Not necessarily. Will you follow me?" Hyunjin asked while holding out his hand.
The younger boy seemed confused and hesitant initially, but he trusted Hyunjin and cupped his hand on top of the others. Hyunjin immediately started leading them back into the wooded area.

"Hyunjin, what if there's animals and critters at night in here?" Felix worriedly asked while bringing himself closer to Hyunjin.

"Then it's a good thing we're together so you're not dealing with them alone." Hyunjin teased and brushed his knuckle under Felix's chin.
They kept walking and Felix soon realized where Hyunjin was taking him as he retraced his steps.
Pushing past the branches and leaves, the beautiful light of the moon shined down on them perfectly.

"I know it's late but I really wanted to come back here and see how it looked at night. We can head back now if you want." Hyunjin explained.

"I think I wanna stay here for a bit." Felix responded as he sat himself down near the middle of the cliff, holding his knees to his chest.
Hyunjin smiled and sat down right next to him, shoulder to shoulder, feeling happy that Felix wanted to stay there with him.
They sat in comfortable silence for a bit to admire the view and then Felix broke the silence.



"Do you like anyone currently?"

Hyunjin was taken aback by the boy's sudden question.

"W-what makes you ask suddenly?" He asked while rubbing his neck.

"Just wondering."

"Oh well.. yeah I guess I kinda do."

"You should tell me who it is."

"That is for me to know and for you to maybe never find out." Hyunjin teased.

"Come onnnn!" Felix whined.

"Nope! You'll probably know eventually, but not today." He informed.

Felix felt a little bit discouraged by Hyunjin's answer. He likes someone. And it's 50/50 on whether it's him or not.

"Well.. what's she like??" Felix abruptly asked.

"Um" Hyunjin began as he cleared his throat.
"This person is actually not a she." Hyunjin said with a trembling voice.
Felix let out a small noise of surprise and look at Hyunjin. He had never confirmed his gender presences to the group just yet.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now