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"Alright, everyone get closer! Felix, fix your tassel!"

"Mom, it's fine!"

"It is your graduation picture, we need to look back at these and think they're perfect! Now, everyone smile!"

All of the boys smiled with their arms around each other, Jisung being the only one who said "cheese".

"Okay, now a few funny ones!"

They took various one with piggy back rides, kisses on the cheek, and funny faces. Everyone felt the same emotion: joy.

"Alright, enough pictures, everyone. We're going to be late!" Felix's father suddenly said.

"Okay, okay! Let's go! You guys look so handsome!"

"I still don't get why they didn't just put us in alphabetical order for graduation." Felix said as they got in the car, referencing the seating chart for the graduation center.

"Hey, at least we can sit by our friends." Jisung replied."

"Han Jisung. Honors Class, Audio Production." The announcer said, listing Jisung's accomplishments as he walked across the stage.

"Yeah, Go Jisung!" Felix whisper yelled from the stairs next to the stage.

"Lee Minho. Honor roll, Performing Arts."

"WHOO GO MINHO!" Jisung's voice said from the other side of the stage as all three of the boys, and some teachers, giggled.

"I'm next!" Felix whispered to Hyunjin.

"I know." Hyunjin smiled at the blonde.

"Felix Lee. Honors class, honor roll, Culinary Arts."

Felix couldn't help but walk the stage with the brightest smile, knowing he finally made it this far.

"Go Felix!" He heard Hyunjin's voice behind him and he smiled even more.

Diploma in hand, he got off the stage and practically ran into his best friends arms.

"We did it, Ji!"

"Hwang Hyunjin. Honors class, Performing Arts."

Felix cheered as loud as he could for his boyfriend as he saw him walk across the stage. Once Hyunjin sat back down next to them, Felix took hold of his hand.

"I'm so proud of you."

The headmaster finished her last words before announcing everyone as official graduates.

"Students, I now encourage you to remove your caps and toss them as high as you please. Congratulations to you all. Thank you for joining us."

With a loud roar of cheers, everyone immediately threw their caps into the air full of smiles and tears of joy. Felix and Jisung immediately embraced each other.

"We did it, Lix. We did it." He calmly said with happy tears.

Felix pulled back and rested his hands on Jisung's cheeks, smiling in pride.

"3rd grade to now, and you're the same idiot I met ten years ago." He joked before they let go and ran into their boyfriend's embraces.

"We did it, Hyun! Together!"

"We did it, Lix." Hyunjin smiled and planted a long kiss on his lips as they both smiled through it.

"Mom, don't cry! I'm only going to be 30 minutes away from you!" Felix giggled as he hugged his mother.

Hyunjin packed the last of their luggage into the small moving truck and closed it with a huff, sweating from the hot weather outside.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now