A day with you

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Before both the boys knew it, they were sound asleep. In the same position they were hugging in. Arms around each other, Felix's face buried in Hyunjin's collarbone and Hyunjin keeping a light grasp on the youngers head below him.

(Here's a drawing in case you don't understand 😎)

The next morning, the boys woke up in the same position, both unaware of the fact that fell asleep like this

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The next morning, the boys woke up in the same position, both unaware of the fact that fell asleep like this.

Hyunjin woke up first.

Hyunjin pov
I opened my eyes as the morning sun shone through my window and onto my face. I slowly realized that I was not isolated. Looking slightly down, I saw the real sun, fast asleep in my arms. Oh man. I did not mean for us to fall asleep like this. I mean I'm not complaining, but I hope he doesn't get freaked out.
Should I get up? Should I pretend to be asleep?
I took a second of my own to simply admire him. His bare face. Felix usually wore a little bit of makeup to cover his blemishes. I didn't mind, but I just love his bare face. So pure and soft. His scattered freckles just looked like stars.

My, he was breathtaking.

But I still didn't know if I was moving too fast. I like him. But it's only been a few days. But we've spent all of those days together. I'm conflicted.

What if I ask him on a date?

I had no idea what time it was, but it must be after 8am with this sunshine peering through.

No one's pov

As Hyunjin was busy studying the male's features, his eyes began fluttering open. Hyunjin pretended to still be asleep in order to not disturb the younger one.

Felix pov
My eyes slowly opened and my vision was met with a T-shirt and my nose was met with the scent of comfort. I lightly looked up and saw the beautiful boy I cried to sound asleep. We must have fallen asleep at the same time. Otherwise, I don't know how we ended up like this. I'm not mad about it though. I like this.
His skin was flawless. His lips were so pink and full. His eyelashes curled and lifted. He looked like some kind of angel. Or a prince. Just... perfect.
I lightly snuggled back into his chest, taking in his scent once more. But then I thought, do friends do this? I mean, I've cuddled with Jisung before but it didn't feel like this. This feels different. More intimate.

Is it too soon?

I heard the male above me start shifting his head around and I just sensed that he had woken up. I looked up and proved myself correct.

"Morning" he said in a sleepy voice.

I melted.

"Hey" I giggled.

"Oh uh.. let me give you some space" I said as I tried to shuffle out of his grasp.
Only to be pulled tighter.

"Stay for a sec, this is comfy." He said, still with a groggy voice.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now