Affection and you

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Hyunjin pov

It was dead silent. You could hear the whooshes from the ceiling fan. Our eyes were locked for what felt like forever. I couldn't tell if it was just me, but it felt like our faces were gradually getting closer and closer.
Just as our noses were inches apart, I decided to take a risk and lean in. He didn't pull back but I still went slowly in case he refused. Right when our noses almost touched and our eyes began closing..


Both of our heads jerked towards the noise. The cupcakes finished baking.

"I'd better get those, don't want them to burn haha!" Felix said as he gently left my grasp.
I sighed in disappointment, wishing that moment could've lasted just seconds longer.

"Mmm! These smell incredible Hyun!" Felix smiled.

We continued with the cupcake decorating process and wrote letters that spelled "Lix and Hyun :)" on the top of each one with green cookie icing. I smiled like a dork at the finished product.

"We did it!" Lix cheered.

"We did!" I added to the excitement.

We ate one for ourselves and left the rest for his parents and him for later. Suddenly, we heard the front door open.

"Felix, whose car is in front of our house?" A female voice said.
"Hi mom! That's Hyunjin's, the boy I told you about from math. He's right over here if you'd like to meet him!" Felix exclaimed.

He's talked about me :)

A business attired woman turned the corner into the kitchen and her eyes lit up as she saw me.
"Hi Hyunjin! I'm Felix's mom. Sorry about the fancy clothes, I just got back from work." She warmly said as she shook my hand.
"No worries ma'am! It's lovely to meet you!" I said and smiled.
"Well I'll leave you boys to hang out. Mmm cupcakes! Thanks guys! Felix, your father took a double shift so he won't be back till tonight."

"Okay mom, we'll be in my room!" Felix said as we walked upstairs.


"I really DONT like scary movies, Hyun.." Felix argued.

"Neither do I, so at least we have each other! It'll be funny!" I persisted and persisted.

"Fine! But don't make fun of me if I jump or scream." He huffed.

Excitedly, I picked out a horror movie on Netflix and started playing it.


"AHH" Felix screamed for the 14th time. I've been counting. And we're less than 30 minutes in.
I was cackling.
"I don't like this Hyunjin!" He pouted and I just chuckled.
He grabbed a big blanket and threw it over us. He mainly used it for hiding though. It was funny but also cute to see him use a piece of fabric as a safety shield.
At one point, he got so scared that he hid for a longer period of time. Feeling sorry for the poor boy, I gave him more comfort.

"Okay okay, come here." I said while wrapping my arm around him, pulling him in closer.
He laid his head on my chest, curled in a ball and keeping his eyes on the screen. Is this considered cuddling? I mean, it's just because he's scared right?

The movie finished after a little while and I noticed Felix was being really quiet.

No response.

I tilt my head downwards to see why he was unresponsive and I lightly laughed to myself. There he was. The beautiful blonde boy snoozed off into dreamworld on my chest. I couldn't help but get butterflies. He just look so peaceful. And it was only 8pm. We were out pretty late with the bowling though.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now