I love you

863 35 11

"Promise I don't look like an absolute fool?"

"You look great, Hyunjin. There's no need to worry."

"But I need to look perfect. This is important!"

"Felix is gonna think you look perfect if you wore a fucking diaper, okay? I promise he'll love it."

"Minho, I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous?!"

"Well it is a date."

Hyunjin groaned in frustration and stress, completely frantic about his appearance for his date with Felix.

"This date needs to be perfect, Minho."

Minho was being Hyunjin's wingman and helping him get ready. And also help Hyunjin calm down his insanely dramatic worries.

"Look at me." Minho demanded while putting his hands on Hyunjin's shoulder but staying a distance away.

Hyunjin looked at Minho with a pout and droopy shoulders.

"You are worrying too much. It's Felix we're talking about. The boy is probably ecstatic about this date."

"But you don't know that-"

"Hyunjin. Shut up. You've got this. Just take in some deep breaths and think about everything that will go right this evening."

Hyunjin closed his eyes and took one deep breath before nodding.

"Okay. I'm calmer. Still nervous, but calmer." The taller male stated.

"Good. Look in the mirror." Minho said while turning Hyunjin to face the nearest mirror, keeping one hand on his far shoulder.

"Look at you. A nice, handsome, put-together man. You'll be irresistible to Felix." He teased.

"Minho!" Hyunjin exclaimed with a drag and Minho bursted into laughter.

"I'm funny, you can't deny it. Where are you guys going again?" He asked.

"I'm gonna take him to this new restaurant that opened downtown. Then, hopefully, we'll go to this one spot in this one location." Hyunjin explained with a smile.

"Um. Is this some top secret, mission impossible spot?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and began tying his shoes

"No.. kinda. It's just a place I found that I don't think many know about. I think he'll like it." He replied.

Minho nodded in understanding, still clueless about this hidden location.

"Okay.. I think I'm ready.." Hyunjin said while standing back up.

Minho held out a small bottle, reminding Hyunjin that he was missing something.

"Cologne! Thanks Minho!" Hyunjin exclaimed and the elder chuckled.

"Okay, now I'm ready."

"Lookin' sharp, Hwang!" Minho said with a supportive smile.

"No time for chit-chat, Minho. I've got a date." Hyunjin said cockily and walked out of the bedroom.

Minho playfully rolled his eyes, grabbing Hyunjin's keys, that he also forgot, and following him to the front door.






"Boys.. you're in the same room.. do you have to be yelling?" Felix's mother said, peering her head through the doorframe.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now