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ACT SIXTEEN! - ' concert '
date - 03 / 07 / 2023

DAISY WAITED IMPATIENTLY near the baggage claim of the chicago airport, shifting her weight to either foot as she picked at her acrylic nails, waiting on gracie's arrival

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DAISY WAITED IMPATIENTLY near the baggage claim of the chicago airport, shifting her weight to either foot as she picked at her acrylic nails, waiting on gracie's arrival.

it was gracie's second stint to europe in the past two months, however this time it was for pleasure instead of work purposes. she had spent a large portion of january travelling around europe to play a few shows, before flying back to LA to play jimmy kimmel and an acoustic show at amoeba, and then flying right back to france for a few days in order to get out of america for what would be the last time for a while.

daisy had flown to chicago on a 4 hour red-eye, arriving at 4 in the morning the day before. gracie was supposed to arrive that day at 6am, but her plane was delayed and daisy was forced to sleep in a hotel bed alone.

gracie was pacing the airport, realizing her concert was now officially the day of her flight, and the line had already started for it, so cancelling it was basically out of the question.

the plane finally boarded at 1 in the morning, and the flight lasted for a total of 9 hours, arriving in chicago at 10am. gracie's nerves were swallowing her whole, realizing her concert was in 9 hours and she was about to fall asleep.

she grabbed her carry-on, filing out of the plane in what felt like the slowest line known to man. she made a beeline for the baggage claim when she made it past customs, knowing daisy would be there.

she spotted her the moment she stepped through the door, her nerves momentarily being washed away and replaced with a feeling of butterflies, her face flushing embarrassingly at the mere sight of her girlfriend.

the girls had barely seen each other in two months, and gracie felt almost frozen until daisy made eye contact with her. her olive eyes softened, a smile tugging at her lips for what would be the first time in god knows how long. the texts with matthew slipped her mind for the first time in a month, which she still hadn't told gracie about. she prayed he was just lying, and he hadn't followed up. she was worried he was following gracie's touring schedule, and would make his move when gracie was somewhere she couldn't protect her, and daisy was vulnerable. she's broken out of her worries by gracie, who is now almost directly in front of her.

gracie embraced daisy like she hadn't seen her in years, burying her nose into her neck and familiarizing herself with her scent again. her smell emanates a warm espresso scent, coupled with a sickly sweet layer of honey and vanilla. it's richly luxurious, smoky, and surprisingly soft. it evokes early springtime; the cold melting away, the flowers beginning to blossom and breaking through the dead ground, coats untidily sprawled in closets for the future winters. it rapidly transports gracie to the specific springtime when she was soon to be 17 years old, inhaling daisy's signature scent for the first time as she brushed past her on her way to class.

𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏, gracie abramsWhere stories live. Discover now