It's Just Another Element Of Life

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Water is but an element.
Is there a reason to be afraid?
It's essential to all living things...
Why should it be any different coming from above?

Should it be soothing?
Like tapping on the roof,
A sweet melody.
Should ballerinas dance to this?
Should I slip into a dream so easily?

Should the trees sway to this?
Should the house hum to this?
Should crickets and tree frogs act as the orchestra?
Should I fall?

For me, this is but a dream.

Crack! Snap! Whiz! Crash! Boom!
The roof grows a mouth and screams in my ears,
As ballerinas' costumes are too bright for my eyes, the light comes from the window.
Branches snap and fall, but I don't, not into a dream.
The stairs are creaky, the roof is leaky. Drip. Drip. Drip.
The tree frogs and crickets merely rub there legs together and croak into the night...beautiful sound drowned out by the tears of the sky against my shelter,
the roar of the clouds,
against another.

For the night is young and the storm will rage on.
I will not dream tonight.

It finally slows.
The water that comes from the sky taps on my window pane.
He tells me "It's okay, just enjoy the show."

I watch from my bedside and watch as it grows again.

The rain is but an element from the lakes and rivers near by.
The light is but a firework, watch in awe.
The noise is but the drums, the heart and soul of the clouds.

Water is just another element of life.
Is there a reason to be afraid?
Let the ballerinas dance once again.

Perceptions -A series of poems- by AshleighWhere stories live. Discover now