Transyl Land and Inhabitants

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The Transyl Lands are a Fake land that I created for my Roar of Darkness story. It is a land where magic and mystery run amok. The land is considered a realm of darkness because it has 23 hours of Night and only 1 hour of daylight every day. Due to the perpetual darkness that the realm is under, the plants and some animals have taken to adapting to have bioluminescence as part of them. Flowers in this realm also are quite dangerous if you don't know them because each species has a different effect on the body and mind of whoever smells them.

Typically you cannot find the Transyl Lands unless you are an unfortunate soul in need of a home, have lost your way and don't know where you belong, or you know what and where to look.

The Transyl Lands have multiple factions that don't show themselves. However it does have two powerful guardians who take great pleasure in tormenting their friends and enemies. The type of torment depends on which category you fall into.

 The type of torment depends on which category you fall into

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Straya is the guardian of the northern border entrance. She is in control of her Transyl Land given powers and is the reason all of the plants there have special properties.

 She is in control of her Transyl Land given powers and is the reason all of the plants there have special properties

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Tempest is the guardian of the southern guardian. She is a little more chaotic than her northern guardian sister because she cannot completely control her powers. She can handle them to an extent but under high emotion situations she tends to lose control.

The factions that make up the Transyl Lands are the Saber Gang which is a group of hyper aggressive felines that serve two Vampiric lionesses, the Winged Destroyers which is basically a mountain full of Bats which are ruled by a mutant bat larger than a adult lion, and the Rogues, so named because they are the unfortunate souls who have nowhere to go that wind up in the Transyl Lands and are in need of a home.

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