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The next morning when Laelani woke up she couldn't help but notice that she's feeling an odd amount of restlessness. It was still dark out, the sky that blanketed the city was still to be lifted by the sun.

With a tired groan she looked at her phone, seeing that it was 4am, it had only been and hour since the restaurant and caffe closed for the day. And agitated sigh left her lips as she got up and went to get ready for the day knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep. Especially since her next dose wasn't for the next eight hours at least.

If it were any other day, she would've gotten at least three hours maximum of sleep, but for some reason something kept bugging her.

A sharp pain shot through her head the moment she turned the lights on, hissing in pain as she crouched down she couldn't help but remember the familiar feeling of hitting her head on the door. That's exactly what it felt like, she knew it wasn't a headache.

Walking into the bathroom she looked into the mirror and noticed a small mark where her head hurt before it faded away completely along with the pain. A relieved sigh left her lips as she began to strip away her clothes to have a shower.


"We're still missing our final soulmate!" Han complained as he held an icepack to his forehead. Earlier this morning he went to use the bathroom but accidentally hit his head against the door since he forgot to open it.

"I know, it's so annoying!" Seungmin sighed, looking at his wrist where a small tattoo of a few stars were, seven of them were there but there was still a stinging sensation telling him that there was still one more left to make an appearance.

Pacing around the room, Jeongin looked around. "There's billions of people, it would take a miracle to find them!" He said as he tried to figure out which color he wasn't able to see yet.

"Don't lose hope guys, the time will come when we meet them." Chan said, feeling restless. More restless than usual. He knew it was because of their final soulmate but what he didn't know is why it was happening now instead of earlier. "Maybe they're near, that's why we're feeling to symptoms again."

"Chan, honey, you're to optimistic." Minho groaned, feeling the urge to go and cook something. "What I'm worried about is actually a super young person who just turned eighteen." He began tapping his fingers on the table and groaned in annoyance.

"No, you're just pessimistic, Minho."

"Guys, should we try and find out where they are?" Changbin walked into the room, writing something on his arm in hopes of communicating with the soulmate. "No response."

Felix burst into the room next, a smile on his face. "All I know is that our soulmate is in a pretty good mood this morning..." He then began to sulk, walking over to Han and gave his head a kiss. "Aw, get better baby." He cooed.

"The string isn't bright enough for us to follow." Hyunjin said lifting his hand where seven strings in different colors were displayed, each one connected to a member. "We're doomed" He said, flopping onto the floor near Jeongin's feet.

"Alright, we'll deal with this later. It's too early for this. Let's go back to sleep." Minho said, trying to get everyone to go back to sleep. "Plus, I can't have all of you too sleepy for the dinner I planned."

"Yes sir!" They saluted jokingly.


Once she arrived at the building she noticed people around, all waiting for the caffe to open despite it being three hours earlier than the opening hours. Estimating how many people there were, she smiled. She could handle the small crowd.

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