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With much hesitance knowing what the questions were going to be about, they finally gave in. "Okay, we'll answer all of your questions.." Mike sighed. 

"Thank you. First, what's her name?" All of them froze in shock, eyes widening, jaws dropped, expressions lost. The boy group noticed this and were all confused. "Why are you so shocked??" Changbin asked, not intentionally though. 

"Okay, I know she's making it hard for them but- not giving them a single hint? Not even her name? Wow-" Felice drawled, feeling bad for the confused men. 

Billie laughed slightly. "I mean what do you expect?" Turning to the idols she smiled. "Her name is Laelani Fauna Nevaeh Paul, she's the boss."

Minho gasped, looking at them excitedly. "The woman who chased away the crowd?" He asked hopefully, lightly jumping in his seat. A few chuckles came from the workers as they nodded, confirming his assumption. 

"Okay, next. Why did her connections only start now?" 

"Ah well- We don't know, honestly. She just never had them nor did she really have time or interest to discover them." Nadya answered this time, answering as honestly as she could. 

Lani was a woman who grew up with high expectations like many others, and she was always in for helping her family, so she always made full effort into reaching those expectations. She was always cooped up in her house, studying, learning, doing whatever she needed to do, the only time she went out was for school or family occasions and house shopping.

"Why does she keep running away?" Hyunjin looked at them with narrow eyes, folding his arms and trying to look mean. 

The question seemed to silence whatever sound was left to make. "We're not sure...She never really tells us these things." Was their reply. And to say the group was unsatisfied was an understatement. "But she usually jokes about being the pro single one in our friend circle.."

"Yeah, she was never really interested in her love life, but was always there to help others with theirs."

"How old is she?" Jeongin questioned them this time, looking at them innocently and tilting his head to the side. Chan gently nudged his side. 

"She's actually the youngest one out of all of us, she turns 24 this year. She's the same age as Changbin." Raya answered with a smile. 


"Hey there doc, letting you know now that the blood on me isn't mine." Lani said, looking the poor doctor right in the eyes.

The doctor froze up, looking back at her nervously when someone suddenly slapped the bloody woman.

"Stop scaring the poor man." Charysse glared at the younger woman while trying to examine the wounds she sustained.

"Charysse- you can't hit a patient!" The doctor panicked, rubbing Lani's head to see if there was any damage.

"It's fine, she's my friend." What an excuse- "But I was just saying that it's not my blood.." Lani whined slightly.


"So it was that bastard?" Charysse asked angrily, looking at the test results of the blood test.

"Yeah, I told you." Lani sat up, her left arm was in a cast, she had a few bandages wrapped around her head abdomen. She had taken off her shirt and was only wearing her sports bra and shorts, finding it more comfortable with less clothing on.

"Girl, put a fucking shirt on-"


"Anyways, you did a good job. You managed to get his blood and DNA, you made him think he won." Charysse congratulated Lani who put her right fist up in victory.

"I mean, why would I lose to him. Fucking bastard, of course I'd win the next fight." Lani laughed, sitting up in a cross-legged position. "So the cops are tracking him down?"

"Yes, the cops have started their investigation and are looking for him." Charysse said before smiling. "How much you wanna bet that he'll get caught within a week?"

"Ohho~ I'm willing to bet that he'll get caught in three days, he sucks at hiding from cops."


"This bitch." Hudson muttered looking at his phone. He had just received a message from his boss that morning.

"What's wrong?" Matthew questioned tiredly, walking beside his soulmate and making sure he didn't accidentally hit anyone while on the phone.

"Laelani just texted that she'll be late to work." He answered bluntly. "She's not supposed to be out of the hospital until tomorrow."

"Huh? She told me she'd be released this morning." Matthew said in surprise. "She said it wasn't that serious.." He added on, slowing down his pace.

"Well she lied, Charysse said that it was quite serious and they needed to run some extra tests including the ones for her soulmate connections, they've been acting up lately." Hudson said blandly, typing a reply telling Lani to stay at the hospital.

"Hey, wanna call Minho? You know, so that she runs away?" Matthew suggested while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Only if he's not busy." Hudson chuckled.


"So you want me to come over? Do I bring Chan?" Lee Know asks uncertainly, the restaurant had called him saying that their soulmate was gonna come to work despite having to be bedridden for the day.

The thought of her managing to run away made him think of bringing someone who would be able to chase after her and possibly catch her. Only one person would be able to get close to getting her, and that was Chan himself.

"Sure, whoever you want to bring with you. But please don't hurt her." The sound of the male's pleading voice could be heard through the phone. "You can come around 10, she'll most likely be here by then."

"Oh okay, that's our break time, we'll come over." Minho smiled cheekily before the call ended.

"Channie!!!" He called out, running to the leader who was making everyone do stretches so they could practice their dance.

"Yes sweetie?"

"We have a trip to the caffe at ten." Minho smiled, placing a suggestive hand on the olders' chest, giggling cutely before leaving.

Chan stood there, slightly flustered by the man's action, staring at Minho's leaving figure. 'You sly brat...'

"Okay! We have three hours of dance practice, one hour break and then some more practice."


"So you're telling me, that you managed to lose a twenty-three year old woman...again?" Charysse looked at the doctors and security in shock. "She's been here several times! How?"

"She said she was going to the bathroom..."


"She ran past me, I think, I didn't see if it was her..."

Charysse sighed in frustration, rubbing her temple tiredly. "Right... sorry about her guys, I'll go and find her."


"Walking in a winter wonderland~" Lani was walking slowly, feeling a slight numbing pain in her legs, probably her soulmate.

She hummed happily, the streets were quite empty today, despite it being ten in the morning, but it was calming.

"My boys spittin' facts I'm locked and loaded-" She muttered to herself, gaining a hop in her step.

She looked ahead and saw the building in which she worked, being closer than she expected. "Oh, well, time for work." Speaking to herself once more, she jogged to the building.

Oh boy, she regretted leaving the hospital when she saw a pair of men by the counter.

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