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"OH MY GOD SLAY!" A loud voice echoed through the house. It belonged to Felice.

"...you sure this isn't much? I'm quite literally in a mascot that doesn't show my face, you added my skzoo collection onto of the head, wrapped me in some fairy lights and Led lights so that I am literally GLOWING-" Lani stood there awkwardly, looking at her reflection which she couldn't quite see well because of the costume.

"Hey, at least you look hot underneath all that stuff." Nadya spoke, huffing out with slight attitude.

"Okay- you don't get to talk, you were planning to rat me out-"


"-am right so shush."


Moments before the group went to the concert sight.

"Okay, we were given the green light to announce our final soulmate whenever we want...BUT, we have to be careful with what we say." Chan announce excitedly.

The others looked happy but anxious at the same time.

"...can we ask how STAY would react? During the concert..?" Changbin asked, looking unsure.

"Yes we can.."


"Oh I don't wanna do this anymore- they're all looking at me-" Lani looked at the many people who stared at her, laughing and smiling as they found it amusing and entertaining to see a STAY do this.

A few of them even went and took pictures with her! It was a bit overwhelming until the stays began inviting her to mess around and dance with them.

There was still three hours until the place opened for entry so she decided to have a little fun while waiting.

"Isn't it hot under there?" A girl asks while laughing tiredly, the group had just finished a random dance game and the woman in the mascot was almost on all fours while panting.

"Hell yeah it is!" Lani whined, reaching up and pulling the head of the costume off and revealing her face which was covered in sweat. "Ew-" She laughs and shakes her head in hopes of cooling down faster.

She looked over to the others who all began squealing and screaming, she panicked thinking it was something bad and began looking at them trying to find out what was wrong.

"She's hot!"

"You're so pretty!"


"Holy shit! Smash!"

People these days were always so bold for some reason. Like- aren't you scared?!
Laelani blushes and awkwardly looks away, wanting to put the costume head back on but she still needed to cool down a bit.

"How much longer till the concert starts?" She asks a random girl beside her.

"Only an hour left, so now we're starting the entry thing." She smiles, blushing at the woman who thanks her.

"Oh, alright. Not bad." She breathes out, brushing her almost drenched hair backwards. "Damn, so we were dancing for 2 whole hours? No wonder I feel hot.." she breathes heavily while fanning herself with her gloved hand and downing a bottle of water.

"Let's hope things go well." she sighs, putting her mask under her arm as they reached the front of the line.


'I'm here. More towards the back, ground level." She texted Minho. She had saved his number under the name 'Erica' to avoid any suspicion and deleted her conversations with him after taking screenshots to memorize what they spoke about.

She sighs, putting her phone away as the concert slowly began.


"She's here! I'm so excited!" Minho announces, jumping a little while Felix clapped his hands happily. "And she's tired." Said the freckled male, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

Seungmin pumped his fist, grunting a small 'yes' as he smiled whereas Changbin began yelling happily.
Chan began giggling and smiling while Han squealed and began ranting about how excited he was. 
Hyunjin smiled softly and began tugging the soulmate string.

They were all excited.

"Do you think she'll like me?" 

Except Jeongin who was a nervous wreck, sweating excessively and at the brink of tears. He was out of it all week, wondering about who she was, what she was like, how she'd react to him, what color he couldn't see.

Chan smiled softly and pulled the youngest into a small embrace. "Of course she will, baby." He soothes. "It's hard not to love- ehhh- like you." His soft chuckle makes his chest vibrate as he was so focused on how much he loved the boy that he had to re-word his sentence.

"Don't worry, Innie, she'll love you." Hyunjin reassures him.

Jeongin looks at him unsurely. "But she ran away from you.."

Seungmin laughs. "Yeah, Hyunjin~" He pokes fun.

"But, she ran from you too, Minnie.." The Maknae says, shutting him up.


"She ran from you too, honey." Chan said to Minho.


Some things are are dangerous and some things are extreme. What Laelani was doing was both dangerous and extreme. 

Who would risk their life by wearing a Skzoo outfit wrapped with christma-- Led lights on a hot day to a crowded concert? She was definitely asking to pass out from the heat and dehydration.


Your island girl grew up in temperatures higher than even 35 degrees Celsius.  

Soon, the lights dimmed down and mist rose on stage as the music began playing, the concert was starting. 

"Well shit." She breathes out a sigh of relief as she was starting to sweat even more under her suit. 

"STRAY KIDS!" Lit up on the might giant screens as she began to nod along to the beat as they sang along. STAYs had already turned their light-sticks on and began waving them around.

All she needed to do was jump around while waving, she was a literal glowing human after all so she didn't need her light stick. 



After the first few songs, the boys looked around. Chan brought the mic to his lips and began to speak, thanking everyone for coming along and talking about how happy and touched he was to see so many people there. 

"Ahh.." He groans happily. "There's so many of you now..!" He giggles, behind him was Changbin and Felix subtly playing around against Han and Hyunjin. 

"And I hope you can stay supportive and kind like how you accepted us being soulmates with one another." He glances back to smile warmly to his lovers, only to be greeted with Seungmin on the floor and the rest holding his ankles. "Ahem-"

"I want to be honest with you guys, and not leave you in the dark, so I have an announcement to make." He says, taking a nervous breath as his eyes scanned over the crowd. "We have another soulmate. Our final soulmate..." He says, a little shake in his voice as he looks over the crowd.

Whispers and shouts erupted before they suddenly started cheering and congratulating them, turning on the light sticks and waving them around crazily.

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