Part 25

712 10 5

Mattheo's POV

I wake up with tear stains down my cheeks, I look around my surroundings to realise I'm not with Allie I'm in her dorm.

I look over at my clock to see that it's 2am

I get out of bed and go down to the infirmary.

When I get there I realise that someone's there with her.

They hear me and turn

I look at their face in the moonlight and it's my mum?

"What are you doing here" I ask slowly approaching her

"To see your girlfriend as well as you and your sister of course" she says

"But your dead"

"Oh hunny my death was a disguise. But your little girlfriends death will be real" she says

With that she picks up her want and points it at Allie and shouts "Avada Kedavra"

"Noooo" I scream running over to Allie's body. "Why did you do that, she is everything I have" I shout

"Love makes you weak remember that, surely your father would have thought you that" she says

"But you loved each other, he loved you and you loved him. You LOVED him and now your saying that it makes you weak" I scream

"Him cheating on me shows love, on what universe does that show love. Hmm Mattheo it doesn't, you don't cheat on someone you love" she says

"But why did you kill my love, she was perfect no she is perfect" I say with tears down my face

"Look at how weak you are, she made you like this. Crying over her pathetic useless body" she says

"She is not pathetic nor useless. She is the best person in the world. Me and molly mourned over your death for years and now you come back and murder my love" I say standing up

"Well you weren't supposed to know that it's me that killed her but it seems that you gotten in my way so there's only one solution to this"

"What's the solution?" I say

She points her wand at me and says "tell her it was nice watching her, AVADA KAD-"

Then I wake up with sweat dripping down my face and a worried molly say next to me

"Are you ok" she asks

"Just a nightmare, don't worry" I say

"Oh ok" she says

"I'm going to see Allie" I say getting out of bed

"I don't know if anyone's with her at the moment" she says

"That's fine, I just want to be ... near her" I say

"We'll see you later" she says before I shut the door

I walk through the castle, paintings telling me I should be asleep and hiding from filch

I enter the infirmary and see Allie laying there peacefully

I go sit down next to her and hold her hand, I let the tears fall.

I didn't leave her until noon and that was only for lunch and to have a shower then I came back and sat with her all night.

This was my routine for around 4 days.


I'm sitting with Allie like I have been for the past couple days.

But tonight is different, she's moving. It's ever so slight but her nose keeps on scrunching up and her hands are moving a bit.

Currently it's around 5am, the moon is shining through the window onto Allie's face.

Her bed is roughly in the middle of the row of beds.

I got told that in 2 weeks practice starts up for all houses so we get to choose what day of the week we want to practice and what times, so I guess that's good


Allison's POV

I feel achy, and sore, very very sore

I open my eyes slightly to see where I am. And I'm in the hospital wing?

I look down at my hands and they are covered with needles and wires.

I look to my right to see Mattheo asleep

His hands are in mine so I rub little circles into his hands.

He immediately opens his eyes to see me staring into his eyes

He doesn't say anything he just hugs me

"Well hello to you to" I say

"I've missed you so much" he whispers in my ear

"What happened" I ask

He sits back down in his chair still holding my hands

"A couple nights ago, you fell asleep on me in the common room so I brought you to your dorm. When I was about to leave you started chocking and turning purple so I placed you on your side and texted your brother. He said it was a reaction to the medication so we left it. A couple hours later I woke up in your bed and you were in the bathroom, I hear you coughing so I went to the door but there was no noise so I went in to find you in a pool of blood"

"Oh was my reaction that bad" I ask

"Yeah, if I hadn't of found you your chances of being here would of been a lot lower"

"So i could of died"

"Yeah" he says with a tear in his eye

I wipe away the tear and say "but I didn't do there's no need to cry, look I'm alright, I'm alive"

"Yeah you may be, but imagine if you had of died. I don't know what I would do, I genuinely don't know what I would do" 

I don't say anything I just hug him

We hug for what feels like forever, it's nice and comforting.

"What's the time" I ask

"Uh let me check" he says grabbing him phone, he looks down before answering "it's around 6:45"

"Ok do you want to lay with me" I ask

"Are you sure?" He ask

"I will always lay with you, don't be so stupid yes I'm sure" I say moving over

He climbs into my bed and puts his arm behind my head.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

Under his breath I hear him say "Je t'aime ma princesse"

I respond "je t'aime tellement mon prince"

"You know French" he says surprised

"I lived in France of course I know French" I say

He gives a little chuckle

"Sleep well" he says

I don't respond I just close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


1093 words

A/N - I know this isn't a long chapter but I want to leave the next stuff for Fridays chapter.

When I was writing this chapter I genuinely thought I wrote more

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