2. My Sukoon.

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Context: This is the scene after the whole Malik Zubair's aka Anas's mother comes to Haveli and everyone is upset & completely against Anas as a prospective groom for Mariam now. Meerab wakes up and unable to find Murtasim in the room the next day, she goes out and questions Bakhtu but even he does not have answers. Murtasim walks in to the courtyard & the whole scene of Meerab questioning him & him placing his finger on her lips to quieten her happens.

P.S- I don't want to re-write this scene cause surprisingly this scene was perfect. Brought out that hidden angst and need coming to the forefront for the both of them.

Now back to the scene that followed.

Meerab follows him to the room. But Murtasim is nonchalant . He just lies on the bed and is actually loving Meerab get all jealous and questioning him about his whereabouts.

"I asked you something, where were you last night?" Meerab asked sternly.

"Why should I tell you, it doesn't matter to you, how I am, what I do, why does it matter then?" Murtasim said, as he lifted his arms with a 'whatever' gesture.

"Are you serious? We are in each other's Nikkah. You cannot just go waltzing around with anyone. Do you understand?"

Murtasim now sitting up, looking straight into her eyes. "Oh, we are in Nikkah. So, Main lagta hun tumhara such?" Meerab now rolled her eyes, she was not going to tolerate his cheesy behaviour. Deep down she knew he wouldn't do anything wrong, but what if he did. What if he has lost his hopes on her, on their relationship.

Meerab wanted to challenge him, how dare he make her feel insecure. "Listen if you don't tell me where you were last night, I am going to leave you"

"Okay, go!" Was all he said, Meerab was appalled at his behaviour. He did not care? How could he not? She just shook her head and was about to leave when, a firm hand held her wrist. She turned back only to see Murtasim looking at her seriously. There was no mischief on his face.

He pulled her to him, until she was standing between his legs. "What are you doing?" She whispered.

"If you are so bothered by me going out with someone else, why don't you just mark me?" Meerab gave a questioning look, what did he mean mark him?

"Nahi samjhi?" ... Meerab only shook her head to display her unawareness of whatever tactic he was planning to pull. Murtasim took that as an indication and guided her to sit next to him on the bed. Now that they were facing each other and sitting very close. Meerab began to somewhat understand what he really meant. Did he want her to give him a hickey?! That was blasphemous, They had a contract and no way were they going to indulge in this act. She was about to get up now having understood his plans.

But he firmly pulled her back and made her sit. "I know there is a contract, I can't touch you without your permission but you can"

Meerab had big eyes, but her eyes grew bigger as he passed that remark. What on earth was going on his mind. Murtasim was different around Meerab, there was a certain ease around him, a playfulness, a particular smile, that Meerab sweared only she got to see.

"Listen I am not giving you a hickey" Murtasim made a face of annoyance. "Why? do you not know how to give ahickey?" Meerab was getting a shock of her life one after another.

"Oh why should I know, how to give one, did you want me to know?" Meerab was challenging Murtasim now. She felt him hold her shoulders tight "Don't you ever say that, that is my right"

Both of them were staring into each other, Murtasim slowly bent his face until it was inches away from the crook of her neck, "The contract says I cannot touch you without your permission. So do I have the permission to mark your neck if you won't, let me teach you" Meera's breath hitched, she was hypnotised, Murtasim was making her feel like she was under drugs, unable to concentrate, her pupils dilating, her heartbeat now increased, it made her bring her hand upto her chest & put pressure on her heart to slow down.

"How are you going to mark me?" With that, his lips were already caressing her neck. His lips & her skin in contact, sending shivers down both their bodies. He slowly and softly sucked her pale skin. Careful not to make her feel any pain, he continued the act and kissing her at the same place, as Meerab whimpered. Murtasim left hand slowly travelled where Meerab had placed hers, tugging it gently to caress her breasts, not being hasty but taking very measured steps. Murtasim lifted her his head to look at Meerab and his creation. Very proud of the mark he had left behind. No one would dare look at Meerab, they will know that she is taken"

There she was her eyes closed, in ecstasy, opening her eyes to slowly fix them on his lips. "So now you know how to mark me?" She nodded and was about to bend forward, when Murtasim stopped and said "No, not like this" and he brought his hand around her waist slowly bringing their bodies on the mattress until, they were both now lying on the bed as their feet dangled out. Meerab lifted her head to reach his neck, pulling his navy turtleneck down. She stopped to look at him once. "I am really not sure, this is new for me"

"I hope it is, I want to be your first for everything " He gently pulled her to him with his left hand around her waist, She was turned towards him, with a new found confidence, continued pulling his turtleneck down. This was Meerab's turn now. It was hard for Murtasim to believe - Meerab, his Meerab who couldn't stand him, was now about to be in such close proximity.

Meerab's lips were on his neck, this was really new, she remembered what he did & trying to copy the same act. Gently sucking the skin, placing soft pecks & sucking again. She lifted her head to see red bruise now on his neck, a little worried she asked, "Does it hurt", Murtasim smiled, "Not at all, in fact I loved it" Meerab blushed at his confession and looked at his face, so happy and content. It felt like a huge wall between them had crushed to the ground. They were in each other's arms, putting a claim on each other for the world to know.

She was still not done, she pulled the turtleneck down to again place a kiss on the bruise left, staying there for a second or two. Murtasim's breath hitched,"Meeeraab.." He left a groan and sighed to look down at her. She placed her hand now on his chest, enveloping him now. He pulled her even closer, not leaving the tiniest of space between the two.

A single tear rolled down Murtasim eyes, Meerab having felt that on her forehead looked up. "You should be doing somersaults, why the tears?" Murtasim chuckled and smiled ear to ear.

"I have never felt more at peace in years until now, So thank you Begum"

Begum. Meerab heard that, he called her Begum. It was always Meri Meerab, Meri Biwi or Meri izzat hai. But now 'Begum'.

She was lost in her thoughts, but glad to be in his embrace. Both of them, having sacrificed and lost so much of themselves, were now able to show their vulnerability and bare their souls to each other. Murtasim continued, "You don't know but you've brought so much sukoon in my life, I am beginning learn so much, see different versions of myself that I thought I had lost in these years".

Meerab could only smile & gently rub and squeeze his chest to display her affection for him, to show she understood exactly what he felt.

"And you are my only hope in life, I don't confes but that is the ultimate truth" Having heard that, Murtasim looked down placed to place a kiss on her forehead and murmured "I love you" which Meerab pretended not to hear.

Both of them continued to lie, unbothered by what the world around them was upto or who would suddenly enter the room but they laid there in peace, knowing they had each other. Being in each other sukoon and hope at life.

A/N - So please pardon this chapter. This is my first attempt at writing anything remotely spicy. Happy to have your thoughts and feedback. Do share that.

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