4. The Distance is killing me

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Context - The court scene, where Waqas is at the Khan Haveli and gives a peace of his Mind to Maa Begum.

Scene continued..

Waqas is out of its wits and unable to fathom the extent to which this family had gone. He turns to Maa Begum having not had enough of his anger.
"You gave Meerab away when she was born, then took her from us. I thought I was parting away with my daughter and that she was going to a place where she rightfully belonged. But you threatened to throw her out at every small chance. Why her from us?"

He now turned towards Murtasim. Angry at him because he finally saw the love his daughter had for her husband. She had finally accepted him. But he like a fool had dropped on the road in the middle of the night.

"And you Murtasim. How dare you proclaim your love for Meerab if you could not live up to it."

Murtasim looked up at Waqas. He loved Meerab. His god knew he did. That night was the most difficult night of life. His mother had ordered him. If Meerab had anything to do with Mariam running away. He had to take her to Karachi. But his heart was torn. A part of him just wanted to drop down to his knees and ask Meerab - how could she do this to him. How could she throw away the progress they had made in their relationship.

Waqas continued, he wasn't going let Murtasim justify his actions. He was going to make him feel guilty until it churned his insides and made him squeal in pain.

"I found Meerab lying outside my gate. She was burning with fever. Her face was stained with tears. She probably did not want to enter my house because what we did last time. And ever since she had opened her eyes she has only cried"

Waqas had now walked closer to Murtasim, so that he could see eye to eye with him and inflict pain into his soul.

"You know what she said - She said that even if she wanted she could never leave you. Because of how important you are to her. She said that you did not love her enough to believe her. Out of all the people - she finally found home in you. You were last hope at life. And you broke her. I have a lifeless daughter at home. Whose husband rejected her. Shunned her without giving her a chance to speak for herself and explain her side of the story."

Murtasim had tear welling up his eyes. He was a proud man. He couldn't cry in front of everyone. But he knew he had messed up this time.
Waqas moved his head in disappointment and left the Haveli. Before warning everyone that he will never let Meerab come back here. They cannot just throwing her out and bringing her back at their convenience. She was a living breathing human.

Murtasim had walked back to his room. He was a mess. How could he do this to his Meerab. Mariam's confession kept replaying in his head. How Meerab had stopped her from running away a couple of times because it would disappoint him and Maa Begum. How at the night of Mariam having fled with Anas aka Zubair. Meerab had told Mariam that Murtasim had said No and she could no longer support her.

But she was still caught through the vicious lens of Haya. Conspiring against her. Meerab had stopped Mariam again but this time helped him leave the house and come back to ask for forgiveness.

With a sudden jolt Murtasim stood straight. Something made him run back to the living room and this time he was shouting for Haya.

Haya came running back, like she always did for Murtasim but she couldn't predict what was going to hit her.

"Haya why did you not inform us when you saw Mariam leave?"

Haya was shocked, she couldn't believe it. Her plan was working so well. How could it be backfiring now all of a sudden. Maa Begum came and stood next Murtasim but she spoke on behalf of Haya and said. "Beta we never believe her maybe that's why she kept quiet she wanted us to see for ourselves"

Tere Hawale - TereBin Fan fiction (OS)Where stories live. Discover now