7. Dame in Shining Armour

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Meerab sat by the adjoining terrace lawn of their room. Her feet dangling off the bench almost touching the soft grass below. Her cup of tea placed on top her now swelling belly. She lightly rubbed her lower half of her belly. Soothing her unborn - calming them. "Hush little one, stop kicking me and let me enjoy the sun"

She had a smile on her face. A lawyer now- much to the happiness of her husband who had ensured no one gets to question her or stop her from pursuing her dreams. Life had taken a new turn after she had returned. Everything fell into place like pieces of a puzzle.  Meesam was the apple of Murtasim's eye. She really was her daddy's darling daughter. It often reminded her of the bond she shared with her Baba.

Just then the maid entered with Meesam, Meesam was all of 4.5 years old. A brat to be honest, extremely naughty and quite a handful. Ma Begum knew Meerab & Murtasim's daughter was not going to be an easy task to be brought up. In the first few months, she really tried to tame her. But, lets face it toddlers and taming?  And that too theirs? Come on!

While the parents had accepted their destiny, it was ironical to see that it was often Meerab who was the bad police and often resorted to discipline Meesam. Which would leave an open mother gaping Ma Begum because, Meerab was a handful herself - it was almost like her trying to manage her little self!

Meesam reached out to Meerab trying get hold of the cup in her hand. Meerab promptly corrected her "Meesam galat baat, don't touch it" and which led her to let out a shrill cry. Meerab was almost in her third trimester, which also meant tons of headaches and her daughter letting out a cry was not helping her. She thought the quiet of the lawn, the sun, and her tea would help but alas! Parenthood was a lifelong job and another one was on its way.

Meerab and Murtasim had not planned this pregnancy . They were inseparable since their reunion, from not letting go of each other's hands to sleeping till late, calling in breakfast to their rooms. Murtasim witnessed a passionate side to Meerab which filled his heart. Their intimacy were often initiated by her. Her doe-like eyes, and tantalizing expressions often mocked his senses. Not like he wasn't driven towards her before but this time, she called for him and he couldn't stop himself anymore. Nevertheless, their being inseparable could only go on for so long without them getting pregnant. Not like they were no longer inseparable. But they had to brace themselves for the product. Murtasim was pleasantly surprised by Meerab one morning rushing out of their washroom with a pregnancy stick. "I see two lines, I see two lines". And the rest is history. _____________________________________________________________________________

Murtasim sat in his office with a bunch of papers. His team of 3 lawyers surrounded him. Zubair had been handed over some parts of his land when he had gone to rescue Mariam. He had let go of that thought for quite some time but it had been more than 4 years now. It was time to begin work. The last few month had been extremely difficult because he was being handed over papers by his lawyers. Which meant him & Zubair finally coming to an ultimatum and the latter getting the land all to himself. Murtasim had finally woken up to a realisation that he could not just let go of a land which he had inherited from his father. He was going to fight it on grounds of blackmail, kidnapping of his sister, and cheating by personation (Zubair pretending to be Anas to dupe Mariam).

His lawyers had been working day and night to help him come to a solution, helping the case turn for him. Naurez had also given a go ahead to them for mentioning the kidnapping of his wife. Naurez had turned out to be the epitome of what Green flag men look like. Murtasim often felt ashamed in the years that Meerab was hiding. How he had been a sorry case for a husband and how he never gave Meerab a chance to speak but Naurez on the other hand was perfect. Naurez had in fact begun supporting Murtasim in some of the duties as the latter found himself immersed in the legal work.

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