Chapter 3: Detention

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"This is ridiculous," Draco said, slamming both palms onto the table, "they said my request to have Mattheo transferred was declined."

Theo's eyes widened, his mouth was stuffed with food. "Did they say why?" he asked, using a napkin to dry off his mouth.

"Only that if anything, now there's an even better reason for him to stay, so that we could resolve our issues," Draco scoffed, sitting himself down on the bench next to Blaise.

"Oh wow," Enzo mumbled to himself, "did not see that one coming."

"It's ridiculous," Draco said with a frown. Suddenly, Theo got an idea. His face lit up, but his mouth was full, so instead of taking time to chew, he downed a whole glass of water. "Charming," Enzo said, eyes wide and face full of disgust.

"I have a splendid idea," Theo ignored what Enzo said and began explaining himself instead. "Now that we're all already in detention for the rest of the week. How about we play a prank on some of the professors?"

Blaise's eyes lit up. "Wonderful idea Nott! I'm in!"

"But what would we do?" Draco asked, seeming a bit skeptical.

"I heard one of the professors talking about Hagrid bringing in a bunch of Nifflers for the Care of Magical Creatures class," Theo said, "I bet you they'd be cheeky to let out."

"But we like Hagrid," Enzo replied, "I don't want to prank him."

"Then we don't," Blaise chimed in, "there's an assignment tomorrow morning for DADA. We could let them into the classroom to take the piss on Professor Snape."

"That has to be your best idea yet," Theo smiled, putting his hand up for Blaise to give him a high five.

"Okay, so tonight at 12?" Enzo asked, receiving nods from his friends.

"Oh, and let's try not to wake Mattheo," Theo added, "the last thing I want is for him to rat us out."

Draco sighed in response to Theo, then went to stand up. "Let's go lads, we've got detention to attend."

Once the group made it to the potions classroom, Mattheo was waiting for them by the door. He was leaning his back against the wall, and his arms were crossed across his chest.

He didn't say anything as they approached. He just headed through the open door and into the classroom.

Yesterday, Mattheo never made it to detention because he was held back by Dumbledore. "Do you understand what kind of trouble you are in Mr. Riddle?" he had said, his eyes serious as he stood there glaring at him. "If you are to cause any more trouble at this school, I will have to send you home."

This set something off inside Mattheo. The absolute last thing he wanted in this world was to return to his home. "Please don't," Mattheo pleaded, "you cannot make me go back there."

Mattheo wasn't much of a beggar, but when it came to avoiding his father, he would do anything.

"I will not have to, if you follow our rules," Dumbledore replied, not even the slightest hint of emotion in his voice.

That day, Mattheo swore to himself that he would not break another rule.

"You will start by cleaning all of the bottles and pots thoroughly," Professor Snape said as soon as the boys got into a line in front of him, "I doubt you will have time to finish other tasks, so you may begin. I will let you know when you are finished."

Snape walked to the corner of the room, sitting down at a desk. The boys looked at each other in confusion, then began cleaning.

"Merlin, this is vile," Blaise said, a look of disgust plastered across his face as he emptied a bottle full of some brown substance with big lumps in it. "Is this what the first years are doing?" Theo asked, using his fingers to pinch his nose shut as he dramatically moved a bottle of the same substance as in Blaise's from one place to another.

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