Chapter 9: The First Crack In The Glass

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Theo didn't go directly back to his dorm that night. Instead, he spent a few hours wandering the halls of his school. He even went outside for a quick breath of fresh winter air before he finally decided to head back. He knew Mattheo was waiting for him. Theo's eyes gently glided across the glass of a broken window in the common room. Cracks were slowly spreading all throughout. Soon it would burst, he thought.

Theo kept quiet. He didn't utter a single word when he went back into their dorm. Mattheo was already in bed, laying on his side. He wasn't asleep, but Theo pretended to believe that he was.

Theo slowly got into bed, facing away from his friend.

In the morning, Theo awakened before Mattheo. He knew that he had to get their dorm for himself if he wanted to figure out about Mattheo's past. Whatever Snape had said last night was obviously regarding Mattheo. Theo knew that Mattheo would make up an excuse if he asked him directly, so he had to get creative.

"Matt," he hissed, throwing one of his pillows directly at Mattheo's face. Mattheo groaned, grabbing the pillow to scowl at his friend. "What?"

"We need to do something today," Theo explained, "I cannot stand this silence for another day."

Mattheo sighed. "It is almost Christmas. Can't it wait?"

Theo shook his head no. "I've got an idea."

Mattheo questioned his entire existence as he followed Theo down an empty hallway towards the library. It was early in the morning, and the two of them had not passed anyone on their venture yet.

Theo silently opened the doors to the library, slipping in without a sound. Mattheo followed him, still blissfully unaware of where this whole plan was going. He blindly followed Theo until he took a halt right before the restricted section. "Theo," Mattheo paused, looking at the entrance with wide eyes.

Theo looked back at him. "Yes?"

"This is a horrible idea; you're aware of that, right?" Mattheo asked, looking around as if to see if anyone's watching.

"I need the book for this prank," Theo responded, spinning around and entering without a second thought, "are you helping me or not?" Theo glanced back at Mattheo who hesitated but ultimately followed his friend.

Once they got inside, Theo instructed Mattheo of what to do and where to look for this supposed potions book that he apparently needed. They split up, each heading in different directions.

The restricted section was very old and dirty. Spiderwebs hung on the walls, and a thick layer of dust covered any possible surface.

Theo knew this part of the library like the back of his hand. Mattheo, however, did not. He used this to his advantage and accidentally stumbled into an old load of books on the ground. The books tumbled down and each landed on the old wooden floor with loud thuds. "Merlin!" He cussed, grabbing Mattheo's attention from across the room. "Hide!" Theo exclaimed and quietly slipped through a hidden doorway and out of the section without ever getting caught.

Mattheo felt his heart skip a beat as he heard Theo from across the room. A million thoughts rushed through his mind, but his body didn't seem to move.

Theo heard the sound of hurried footsteps in the distance as he rushed down a completely dark hallway.

He tiptoed through quiet halls and peeked his head around corners until he was back at the dungeons. He entered his dorm quietly, locking the door behind him.

He knelt down beside Mattheo's bed, pulling out a trunk. There was a lock on it, but luckily he was prepared. No prankster succeeds without knowing how to pick a lock.

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