Chapter 16: Consistency

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Consistency was not something Mattheo was very familiar with. When he was younger, the only consistent thing in his life was the continued times he would be let down. Not just by his father, but by his mother as well. He expected his father to let him down, but every time his mother did, it stung in his chest. She loved him, he knew that, but she was terrible at keeping promises.

However, it was easy to stay consistent when the thing you were consistent with was helping you. Ever since the letters had begun piling in, the fear of his father coming back into his life had consumed him. So naturally, Mattheo turned to the only thing that could take that fear away, even just for a while.

"Give me that," Lorenzo hissed, practically ripping the bottle of Chocolate Liquor out of Mattheo's hand. They'd snagged it from a cabin in Hagrid's hut the night before. Mattheo remembers waiting for Hagrid to return from the forest while Lorenzo snuck inside through the unlocked door.

Mattheo laughed out loud, a snort escaping his chapped lips. It had been two weeks since Theo had found them drunk outside of one of the greenhouses. Since then, Mattheo and Lorenzo had met up to drown out those voices they had talked about previously.

The alcohol didn't stop them, but it turned them down for a few hours and that was something they were both willing to go to extreme extents to achieve. It was sad, Mattheo knew that, but at least he wasn't alone.

Lorenzo tilted his head back, chugging at the bottle in his veiny hands. His eyes were closed and he used the sleeve of his robe to dry his mouth.

"Do you think Theo's still angry at us?" Mattheo asked, turning his head to look at Lorenzo. The wind was blowing at his hair. He used his hand to push the curls out of his eyes.

"Probably," Lorenzo sighed, standing up, "I haven't really spoken to him. Not properly."

Enzo sighed, leaning his elbows onto the railing. "Have you?"

Mattheo looked out at the castle. The view from the Astronomy Tower was truly astonishing. The dark sky above them was lit up by the moon and thousands of stars. His eyes wandered to Lorenzo's back. His tall figure stood entirely still, admiring the sight in front of him. "I've been avoiding him," Mattheo blurted out, his mind no longer in a sober state. He ran a hand down his face, immediate regret filling his body.

"Why?" Lorenzo asked, his eyes narrowing.

Mattheo didn't respond. He didn't know how to. His mind was on overdrive and the alcohol in his blood made it impossible to think straight. "He just pisses me off," Mattheo finally responded, his words slow and slurred. He prayed Enzo wouldn't notice.

He didn't. "Tell me about it," Lorenzo chuckled, his voice cracking, "he cares too much sometimes."

Mattheo nodded slowly. "—it gets sickening."

Mattheo's eyes widened. He didn't expect Enzo to say that about his best friend. "Don't get me wrong," Lorenzo started, turning around to face Mattheo who was still sitting on the floor. "He's my mate, but sometimes he just-," his voice trailed off.

Mattheo spoke carefully. "He what?"

Lorenzo's eyes shot up. Mattheo could tell he was thinking of the right thing to say. His brown eyes stared directly at him before slowly trailing off to the floor beneath his feet. "It's like he doesn't know," Enzo began, "he doesn't know that half the things he does, and half the things he says are so out of line."

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