Chapter 4 ~ watching you ~

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Man kept an eye on Noel over the course of Sunday, he didn't want to but he couldn't help worrying about the kid especially after his hysterical sobbing through the night. He checked on him when he went to the bathroom at about 6am and saw that the kid had managed to fall back to sleep again.

He checked at regular intervals during the morning and saw Noel completing the tasks he had given him then at lunchtime he drank more water and helped himself to a few biscuits from the cupboard. Man hadn't even known they were there, he wondered how long they had been there and if they were even fit for consumption?

He should take some non perishable groceries to the house during the week, even though he had to remind himself of the reasons why he was doing all this, he couldn't let the kid starve while he was working for him.

He checked in again a couple more times until he couldn't locate the kid in any of the rooms so he figured he had gone. He rolled the footage back to see what time Noel had left and it was exactly 5pm. 

He watched Noel as he went round the house checking all the windows again and making sure the house was secure before leaving the property. He accessed the city's cctv cameras and watched as Noel walked down the street to the nearest bus stop then waited for a bus into the city.

Man noticed how he didn't interact with other people, on the contrary he kept his head down and didn't engage. It seemed the kid would only interact with anyone if needs must.

Man got back to his own work and at about 6.30pm he received a text message from Noel telling him he had completed all the work and left the property secure. He thanked Man again for the work and said he would be there at 9am the following Saturday.

Monday morning arrived and Man went into the office as usual. There were still no real leads on the Winchitathoom murder case. Man had to attend a few meetings with Director Raskorn and Lam, Gunny and Mina were bickering as usual.

Man knew that Noel worked for Gunny on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's and he hoped the kid was ok, he wondered if he'd had any more bad dreams? He took time out to go and see the security guy who had installed the cctv camera's in his house and asked him to upgrade them to the ones with audio.

He wondered if he was getting a bit obsessive about the kid but justified his actions by telling himself he needed to know how trustworthy Noel was. On Tuesday he went shopping after work and bought a good supply of food that had a long shelf life.

He took it back to the house and replaced all the existing food after confirming that the biscuits that Noel had eaten were about three months out of date, fucking hell was the kid so poor he couldn't afford to call for a take out? 

He had purchased different flavors of noodles, cartons of long life soy milk and other drinks, soup, canned meat and fish and more biscuits to be going on with. He threw the old food into a couple of black bin bags and hefted them to the nearest bin.

He couldn't help going to the bedroom and thinking about the boy sobbing before checking himself, he was getting soft. It didn't pay to get emotional about people, if you got too emotional, disappointment usually followed.  

Across the city in Gunny's apartment, Noel was folding laundry and thinking about the coming weekend. He was lucky that Mr Khunithikorn had offered him two days work every week. He didn't know how long the job would last because once the property was tidied up there would be nothing else to do in the empty house.

He would miss going there when the job ended, it was the first time in a long time that he had felt safe with all the security, unfortunately it still hadn't stopped the dreams though.

He'd never told anyone about the dreams, he'd seen other kids in the home who had mental issues and he had watched while the resident Doctor had put them on medication or sent them to see shrinks, he didn't want that so he'd kept his mouth shut, he was good at that.

He missed his mum like crazy and it had hurt like hell to be accused of pushing her down the stairs but the alternative was far worse. He wanted to save up enough money and move to the countryside and live far away from other people.

He would miss Gunny, he was a nice guy, a funny guy and he had always been good to Noel since they'd met but there was no one else he was close to, no one else he could trust. His plan was to be as self sufficient as possible, to grow his own food, use well water and hopefully have some kind of generator. 

He finished folding the laundry and checked the fridge to see if his boss was running out of anything but he was good for another couple of days, he would shop on Friday for him. Noel thought about his weekend boss, he seemed like a nice person too but the job wouldn't last long enough for them to cultivate any kind of working relationship, not like Gunny.

Noel made sure the apartment was secure before grabbing his things and leaving. It would take him ten minutes on foot to get back to his place so he wouldn't be out for too long. He hated being on the street in the city because he dreaded running in to that person but luckily he hadn't seen them for years, he hoped he would never see them again.

Back in the city, Man jumped into his car after visiting a witness in the Winchitathoom case, it was dragging on for far too long and Raskorn had been giving him grief about it, he wanted it closed yesterday. The way he told it, anybody would think he and his team sat around all day doing fuck all.

Man drove to his house to meet the cctv guy and then afterwards he was heading back to the office to write up a few reports. He had already written a to - do list for Noel so he took that with him and another envelope of cash. He would leave it in the kitchen after the cctv guy had finished and left.

The new camera's were smaller and more sophisticated than the ones he had installed before and a little bit more expensive but he didn't mind, he needed good security anyway considering he didn't get out here very often. It seemed they could pan wider and pick up sounds from a good distance away.

The cctv engineer tested them all and set them up on man's laptop for him, all he had to do was double tap on the icon and it took him straight to the webcams then he could just click on whichever room he wanted to view and it would enlarge.

He could record audio 24/7 if he wanted to but for right now that wasn't necessary, he just wanted to hear anything that was being said, "job's a guddun" he remembered the phrase an old friend from the UK used to say regularly, he thought it was highly amusing at the time.

Man helped the cctv guy to load up his van and then opened the gate for him to leave. After a quick walk through making sure that the new camera's could neither be seen nor heard he secured the property then left the to - do list and the envelope of cash on the kitchen counter.

He wrote a short note telling Noel that the yard looked great and he was pleased with what he had done then he told him to help himself to the food in the cupboards or it would only spoil. Driving back to the city he thought about the kid and wondered what he was doing, it wasn't much of a life working alone and going home to an empty apartment.

Man was curious as to why he didn't date, it's not like he was ugly or anything, on the contrary he was cute and had a great body. There were so many questions he wanted the answers to but then again, he was doing this to make sure the kid could be trusted, not to learn about his private life ... wasn't he?


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