Chapter 2 ~ a great plan ~

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A few days later Man was going to meet an old friend who worked in another department of the DSI, he had called in a favor and asked the guy to do a background check on the kid. He pulled his car into an alleyway and waited.

There was no reason why he couldn't get the check done out in the open but then people would start asking questions and he didn't want Gunny to know. The last thing he needed was Gunny giving him grief over this but he wouldn't settle until he knew what the kid was up to.

For all he knew this Noel dude could have befriended Gunny to get sensitive intel' and one way or another he was going to damn well find out, he didn't care how cute the kid was. 

It was quite late but this was the only time he could meet the other guy and twenty minutes went by before there was a tap on the passenger side window then the car door opened for a tall, lean guy to climb in the passenger seat.

"Hunter, how's it going?" Man asked.

"you know how it is boss" Hunter replied.

"did you manage to find anything?" Man got straight to the point.


Hunter handed Man a large file but he knew better than to ask questions.

"obviously you'll want to review the files yourself but basically the kid has had a pretty shit life.

Noel Jongsapasut, 25 years old, born December 26th hence the name, his parents were middle class, quite well to do and upstanding members of the community until the father died when he was a few months old then after that the mother often took him to the hospital with broken bones and bruises.

There were a few reports where she was accused of beating the kid and the authorities tried to take him away but she managed to keep him. When he was 11 she fell down some stairs and died after sustaining a neck injury and when they found him by the body crying he was covered in bruises and had two broken ribs.

It was assumed she'd been beating him and he'd pushed her down the stairs, the judge ruled it as self defense and the kid became a ward of the state. He kept his head down, went to school and now he just takes random jobs to make ends meet.

He's never been in trouble with the law if you don't count the self defense hearing, he keeps to himself, doesn't go out, doesn't date, has no friends to speak of and that's pretty much it.

A pretty sad existence if you ask me, fucking people shouldn't have kid's if they're going to treat them like that"

"ok Hunter, thanks for this" Man said.

"no worries boss, if there's nothing else I'm outa here" Hunter said climbing out of Man's car and disappearing into the night. 

Man watched him go before picking up the file and glancing through the pages then he put it down before firing up the engine and drove to a nearby restaurant where he ordered take out fried rice with pork before heading home, it was going to be a long night.

The following morning Man headed to work as usual, same shit, different day. Rounding the corner into his office he approached his team,

"any news?"

"yeah boss, we've got Winchitathoom's ex wife coming in this afternoon for an interview" Gunny said.

Man glanced at Lam,

"I'm waiting on the lab results after testing the firearms casings that were found at the murder site boss" Lam said.

"and I've been talking to an English couple who are neighbors of the ex wife" Mina added.

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