chapter 5

71 4 11

Author 's Pov:

Her sleep got interrupted when her alarm buzz prevent her from seeing more dreams and brought her from her dreamland. She throw her hands over alarm in order to stop. Soon she got up and rubbed her eyes when she closed all she can see was his beautiful doe eyes.
She shook her head and slap her cheeks lightly and convincing herself maybe his eyes could be beautiful what about face

she is not someone who judge someone by their faces but in case of him she wants to convince herself just think in this way don't think about him, don't fall for him just don't recall that beautiful eyes. You didn't even see his face how can she feel like this. She doesn't like anyone, she can't think in this way.

After fighting with her mind she get up and went for shower and wrapped towel around her body. Today she wants to go early because of some some reason she have lots of questions and she trying to choosing who can give her answer but all of are just everyone in hospital is just doctor for her except one she is her friend why even she is wasting her time in thinking when she have a friend but she will tease her for this she have to make plan.With this she wear her outfit.

With this she wear her outfit

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Y/n's pov:

So i wanted to wear something else today so i decided to wear this it's looking good i don't know why I'm getting ready this much i just have to go to yoon nayeon and ask her about this what i am feeling but " No buts right now you have to be brave y/n" With this i told myself i can do this and went for breakfast. After finishing my breakfast i take my purse and Left for my work. I took a bus and sit at the last bench.

In right side of mine was window and left side of mine was sitting a man as soon i realise that it is was i move further in order to make proper distance between us but soon i feel that man's leg was press with mine but this time not just legs but the whole body i again move a bit now i don't have more space to move but the guy was move his legs more further to me what weird guy is this! He took lots of space just to spread his legs this much so i decided to speak.

" Excuse me mister can you move a little i don't have space you are pressing over me" I said with lots of courage his head was resting on site but soon i said he looked at me wohh he was looking charismatic, good looking he has monolid in one eyes and double eylide in other which make his face striking aura. In whole life i haven't seen a feature like this before my thoughts interrupt when he started speak.

"Well i know I'm good looking but don't stare me like this miss..." Soon he looked at my id card with quick i hide them and again he looked at me with intense look. I got nervous now " Ahm i asked you to move a bit" I was looking everywhere but not at him. God save me why he is looking at me like this. " Oh miss beautiful but I don't space to move too" he said with grin in his face like he won an award of number one flirty guy.

"Fine but I do have name" I said with tried to fight back. I really can't tolerate this man but soon he again speak " oh is it then you do have your number too" he said with devilish smirk I just want to rid off that that's it I can't win against a flirty guy like him and got up from my sit. I looked up at back where we were sitting to see the guy for last time in annoyed but he just give me wink. In disbelief I got off from my bus

" seriously I haven't seen a  flirt guy like him" and started walking "why in this world only I have to meets werid guys with beautiful eyes and features" I got frustrated thinking with this I reached hospital by my foot. Whole day was annoying for me and trying to rid off from my thoughts.

Time skip..

I was looking for nayeon now but soon I spot her she is always busy with this idiot guy mingyu who praised her same idiot like him. I walk towards her "hey nayeon let's go for lunch today" I said with kinda exciting tone why even I am exciting for this yeh maybe this kind of thoughts are trouble for me and it just need to loss the burden from my head.

"Yah y/n now i am with mingyu, before you never had lunch from one month with me" kinda true she is saying but I have to take her but soon the guy interrupt us " nayeon ah don't say like this to miss shim we should join her maybe she is missing us" what us i haven't even ask to this idiot "ahm mister song you can't join us actually" i tried to explain but this nayeon " yah y/n how can you reject a offer from a handsome guy like him" nayeon said with shout on my face.

" Mister song it's not like I'm rejecting your offer" yah i didn't even invite you and give a glare to this nayeon " actually you know it's a... Ah it's a.. yeh this is actually gonna be girls conversation you can't join us" I faked smile at him took nayeon with me "mingyu ah I will again come to you " " I will wait for you nayeon ah" this idiot whining like this I am trying to separate them.

" Y/n I know there is no way we gonna convictions about like that " she got me " actually i have a cousin, her age is about to marry but she doesn't like anyone nor date anyone but from two incidents she is feeling werid feelings" I told her trying to not caught maybe this will work. " What kind of incident" she asked in tense tone " it's because of the two guy with whom she bumped with both two times and all thinking about their beautiful eyes" i told her now what's problem I am facing.

"Two guy and same incident and thinking about both guy eyes?" She asked woh she is great " yah first guy bumped into her and she helped him and just able to see his beautiful eyes and tenor voice" i told her about first guy she is looking at me shoot  I think this was stupid idea. " What about second guy" she change her expression inot curious

"about second guy she bumped with him too and not able to see his face too because of dark she just able to see clearly his doe beautiful eyes and his calm deep voice" now i am getting anxious should I told her. " from that she is thinking about this two guy and whatever she is feeling is same for both she think again and again yah" I told her whole thing.

" So you are saying that women like both man" she asked without thinking what if I am in her place " no she doesn't like she just got mesmerize with those eyes i guess and she feeling same way for both but you know no one can feel same way for two persons " i asked to her with curiosity.

" You're saying she is not able to see both of men faces what if the both person is same?"

[ This is for today sorry for late upload something got problem with my Wattpad hope you like this part and tell you do you like it ]

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