chapter 9

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Author 's Pov:

"M-mister o-open your e-eyes please" she was crying mess but still trying making sure that he won't die, his blood is flowing rapidly soon she heard some footsteps like some people are coming towards them they were non other than her friends who was searching for her but when they heard her painful voice when someone was shouting at her they get to know it was y/n their friend who is in danger so they decided to make fool the man by police siren.

"Y/n..Y/n..miss shim" her all friends calling her while coming towards her but soon they get freeze seeing a man lying while blood flowing from his body "Y-Y/n d-did you" nayeon was about to say but she cut her off "N-No I-I didn't d-done anything  it's just the m-man" she managed to tell her friends that the head agent shot him and he was trying to protect her "we h-have to s-save him, he is still breathing p-please" they all looked at her who was crying for some stranger.

"But where we shall take him?" rowoon asked while y/n looked at him with still tears eyes "ofcourse our hospital" nayeon replied to him "but you guys know we can't admit any stranger without knowing their identity it's against our protocols" mingyu said with tense voice (i know there is no protocols like this just think like this there is) " he is right if Mrs han come to find out then it will be problem for us, no one dare to go against her" eunbyul said while looking at everyone then at Y/n.

"We shall take h-him to h-hospital, we will t-treat him in my c-cabin " Y/n said while standing she knows how Mrs han is but she is ready to take risk "it w-won't be problem to y-you guys I a-am taking all responsibility n-no one will come to know" everyone looked at each other before nodding and left from there.

In hospital..

They come to hospital by sneaking nayeon and eunbyul distract the guards and boys help y/n to take him inside her cabin soon the girls came too. "He is unconscious from hours if he got gun shot we have take out the bullet soon" hearing rowoon statement everyone looked at each other " but if us done this before we are not even surgeon except Y/n" eunbyul said with serious voice and everyone nodded in agreement "yes Miss shim can do this" mingyu said while looking at Y/n's direction who was managing stuffs for his treatment.

Nayeon walks towards Y/n "Y/n look you know from us no one is surgeon I know you had not done this before but only you can do this " she was trying to convince her "'s risky... nayeon what if..i will not able to success" Y/n replied to her she is aware from this that only she can save him atleast she needs to do this the man who is lying in bed got shot because of her. "Nothing will happen we believe in you" nayeon said while put her both hands on her shoulders.

Everyone was waiting outside the cabin trying not get caught in hospital there was no one at Y/n cabin's floor it was easy while Y/n and rowoon is inside trying to take out bullet from his body carefully it's risky but still they are trying soon the gate open revealing rowoon everyone comes towards him and asked "hows the operation goes are you guys success to take out the bullet?" Eunbyul asked with worried tone rowoon heavily sign before speaking " we had no hope before but....we were able to take out the bullet" as soon he said with light assured smile everyone too sigh heavily before entering in cabin.

Y/n was giving the injection and jungkook was lying in bandage around his abdomen area and hands. "Hows his condition?" Eunbyul asked and turn around before giving her reply " it's seems we are success his pulse rate is normal the bullet were not able to go deep so it was not tough, I'm glad I am able to save him" saying this she again looked at face who is still unconscious.

"When he will wake up?" Nayeon come before asking the question " it can take time for him to gain conscious as we give him injection and plus he get week because of this " rowoon replied to her "yah he is not weak like you, you see he will wake up by morning" nayeon hit his arms before turning her head to the unconscious man.

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