1 A Soldier and an Oni

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The stench of blood filled the air, the sound of screams and clashing metal, the deafening crack of thunder.
You try to blink through the white hot pain pulsing through your body. The beach was littered with the dead and injured; the fighting was beginning to die down as the Tenryou soldiers retreated, but it was too late for you.
You felt your mind drifting away with the crashing waves.

Against all odds you awoke some time later. The tide had risen and you'd been pulled away from the shore until you'd caught on some jagged rocks.
You felt the burn of the sun on your skin and licked your cracked, salty lips. It was all you could do to lift your head briefly and look around. You had no idea where you'd washed up. These islands were unfamiliar to someone who had spent their entire life on Watatsumi.
Dizzy from blood loss, you rested your head back on the rock slowly. You knew you should try to climb a bit higher before you drifted back to unconsciousness, but the darkness took over too quickly.

You had no idea how much time had passed by the time you woke again. Your body felt cold, the pain felt distant.
"Hey can you hear me?" A young man's voice called out. Large warm hands cupped your face and you tried to open your eyes. All you managed was a slight groan.
"Man, I don't know how you're alive... Don't worry I've got you now." There was a shuffling sound and you were rolled into the embrace of a large coat of sorts. It smelled like sweat and- melons?
"Baba will know what to do." He seemed to be reassuring himself more than you as he tied the sleeves of the jacket, cocooning you within. With ease, he held you in his arms and began to jog.


It was hard to tell how much time passed between your brief moments of lucidity. Your memories were filled with scattered sensations and faceless voices.
You remembered an elderly woman shuffling about swiftly and she applied strong smelling medicines to your exposed skin that burned your nose hairs. You remembered feeling very exposed and vulnerable while being wrapped in clean, soft fabric. And finally, you recalled the warm crackle of fire and the smell of meaty stew.

You open your eyes with great effort. They felt heavy and dry. You were laid down upon a fur rug by a dimly lit fire. An elderly woman was sitting in a chair not far away, she seemed busy embroidering or patching something. You couldn't really tell with how blury your vision was.
You closed one eye in a futile attempt to minimise the double vision as you sat up and tried to take in your surroundings.
You were dressed in a short sleeved and aged, grey kosode that fell just below your knees. A tattered blanket with delicate embroidered birds had been placed over you and tucked in neatly.
You winced in pain after turning your head a bit too swiftly.
"Hey, you're awake!" The familiar voice of the young man from the beach, exclaimed.
You weren't quite prepared for the hulking figure that towered over you. This was the young man? You thought in surprise as your eyes traced over his impressive muscles, bulging pecs, exposed abs, clawed hands, and piercing red horns.
"Oni?" You managed to say, and you realised just how dry your mouth was. Your voice was raspy and it hurt to speak.
The young man grined widely, baring his sharp teeth. "Not just any oni! I'm Arataki Itto, the One and Oni! Leader of the Arataki Gang. You've probably heard of me."
You shake your head slowly and do your best to make an apologetic face.
"Oh, well that's okay." He said in a dejected tone. Then he leaned a little closer and asked, "are you okay? You look like you're in a lot of pain." He sounded genuinely concerned.
You swallowed and built up the energy to speak again. "Thirsty. Water?"

After a long drink and a nibble on some dried lavender melon, you were able to properly thank Arataki and the elderly woman. She insisted you call her Oni Baba, a name which sounded more like an insult to you, but she seemed proud of it.
"So, how did you end up in such a sorry state?" Baba asked. She'd gotten up to stir what smelled like soup, hanging above the nearby fire.
You're weren't sure you should mention that you were member of the Watatsumi army, so you hesitate. "Some particularly nasty Ronin caught me while I was travelling. The tide must have picked me up and carried me far from where I was. We weren't close by any populated villages."
"This is hardly a village." Arataki piped in. "We're in hiding from the Tenryou commission. I guess it's lucky for you that we are out here."
You wondered if that was information he should be sharing so freely and quickly glanced over to Oni Baba. She didn't seem phased.
"What are you-?" You went to ask, but then you noticed the geo vision hanging from Arataki's neck.
He followed your gaze and then forced a chuckle, "yeah, ever since the vision hunt decree, it hasn't been safe to stay in Hanamizaka."
You thought back to your deceased comrades and the suffering that had been caused due to the Shogun's reckless governing of her people. Your breathing became heavy; it hurt. A cough wracked your whole body with pain and you clutched your undoubtedly broken ribs.
"Hey, hey, careful there. Lay back down yeah? I'll help you sit up a bit and eat when dinner is ready." Arataki placed an enormous hand on your chest and gently guided you back down into the blankets.
There was something so soothing about his touch; he felt safe. Perhaps it was the sincerity in his tone.
Your body felt weary and weak from your injuries. You couldn't ignore the increasing feeling of despair at the thought of those you'd just lost and the fear that came with being in an unfamiliar place with no certain future. You felt desperate for some comfort to cling to.
Before you could tell yourself not to, you placed your hand on Itto's and said, "Stay with me?"
He looked a little flustered but nodded quietly. His hand remained softly over your chest and you began to drift away again, your fingers curled tightly over his.

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