7 War

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*CW Graphic depictions of violence

It was near midnight, the rain was heavy and the winds were brutal. You, Thoma, and Itto left the cavern covered by wax coated blankets to stave off the icy rain.
You carried a bag full of food from Oni Baba, a whetstone from Shinobu, and medical supplies you'd pilfered from the supply crates.
The three of you headed down the western coastline to a pickup point near Amakane Island. There, a larger than usual waverider met you. You piled into the unlit cabin together. Itto was the last to cram himself in, with hunched shoulders and an anxious expression. He peered over his shoulder down the beach, thoughtfully.
You gently clasped his hand and gave him a reassurihg smile, although with the dim light he probably didn't see it. He seemed to settle, regardless.
The engines burst to life, muffled by the charred wooden cover that masked the glow from outsiders.  You felt a sudden lurch as the anchor was pulled free of the sand and the boat began to break through the choppy waves.
Earlier that day you'd been playing Hanetsuki with Itto, now you were boating back to war. It was strange how quickly one could be scooped up by fate.

The waves heaved the boat up and it crashed down with such a force that each time you wondered if it would break apart. The coastline was beyond sight as the only way to the Fort was to pass by the Kojou Encampment was to take a long arching route through the deep sea.
Everyone held their breath until the faint purple glow of Tatarasuna was replaced with the soft blue of Watatsumi in the distance.

In the early hours of the morning, before the sun had risen, you landed at the Fort Fujito dock.
Once the boat was safely moored the sailer beckoned everyone onto the shore.
It was a short walk to the encampment. Tents were strewn about around a few houses, soldiers bustled between them carrying weapons, medical supplies, and food. Two weary guards nodded as your group passed. You didn't recognise them, but that wasn't unusual. There had always been a slow stream of new recruits to replace the fallen.

You felt dizzy glancing around the camp and realised you'd been holding your breath. You sucked in air and wobbled a little. Itto quickly steadied you.
"You okay?" He asked, a little too loudly.
Your cheeks flushed red. "It's just strange to be back here, again. I feel like I've just woken from a pleasant dream." You wondered if you'd made a mistake by returning.
"Hey!" A familiar voice called out and you heard the patter of footsteps hurrying your way.
"General!" You straightened yourself quickly. "I'm so-" you began, but he quickly cut you off.
"I'm so glad you're okay! When I heard you'd survived and were somewhere safe, I was so relieved."
General Gorou was a short man with wild gingery-brown hair, fluffy ears, and a well groomed tail. His face looked weary behind the wide smile he gave you.
You bowed your head politely. "I should have sent word sooner."
"Nonsense, that would have been dangerous without the proper channels. I'm just glad you happened to connect with Thoma. He and his mystery supporter have been a great help to us."
"Mystery supporter?" You blinked, confused. Then you remembered Itto, who was standing patiently beside you. "Oh, pardon me. This is Arataki Itto. He was the one who came up with the idea of taking in the wounded at the old supply depo."
Itto jerked to attention and Gorou bowed low. "You have no idea how much it means to me that you did that. Thank you." He said.
"Oh, it was no biggie. I just wanted to help and that was something we could do." Itto shuffled nervously and ruffled his hair.
"It's no small thing at all. You could have been charged with treason for harbouring rebels." Gorou insisted. His eyes darted to a figure approaching from behind you. It was Thoma, who suddenly seemed very tall when compared to yourself and Gorou. (Itto always made you feel as though you were standing beside a giant.)
Thoma and Gorou bid the two of you farewell and began to discus logistics for another shipment of supplies.
The guilt you'd felt for not returning sooner seemed to wash away. General Gorou had a soothing effect on people. He was a kind soul who cared deeply for his peers.
"He's so cute." Itto said quietly, and you noticed Gorou's ears prick up in the distance. His tail wagged a little. You were sure he'd heard Itto, and that wasn't his irritated tail waggle.
You chuckled to yourself and silently agreed. "Come on, we should find a dry spot and try get some sleep." You said as you guided Itto toward the soldiers' tents.

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